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What to eat to lose weight and keep it off forever – 6 guaranteed nutrition secrets

The little secrets and strategic moves that can help you lose weight faster and keep it off.

In our daily diet there may be many that will lead us to excess calorie intake like when a cup of coffee can have up to 450 calories or a delicious burrito can contain 1,000 calories and even home cooked meals can get out of our control in caloric value. Is it possible to lose weight in this modern society? Yes. With 6 secrets that will help you lose weight.

Secret 1: Plan ahead

Plan dinners you can’t wait to cook and eat. Once you’ve decided what you want for dinner, plan the rest of the day’s meals around it, including snacks. A menu plan for the whole day really helps to lose weight. Planning ahead also helps you stick to your eating plan: if you already know what you’re going to have for lunch, you’re less likely to let six or seven hours go by without eating.

Secret 2: Avoid “portion distortion”

When trying to lose weight, one of the best skills you can learn is accurate portion measurement. Studies show that almost everyone—heavy people and thin people, nutritionists and normal people—underestimate how much they eat. In fact, research shows that people tend to underestimate their calorie intake by 20 to 40%.

Secret 3: Enjoy a balanced diet

Of course, there’s more to good nutrition than counting calories. When you cut back on portions, you also cut back on useful nutrients, so it’s even more important to make healthy choices.

Here are the 5 foods you should eat every day as part of a balanced diet:

  1. Whole grains
  2. Fruit and vegetables
  3. Proteins
  4. Low-fat dairy products
  5. Healthy fats

Secret 4: Share delicious meals

You probably won’t be too happy snacking on carrots and cottage cheese if everyone else at the table is enjoying pasta smothered in cream sauce. Studies show that people lose more weight when they do it together, so increase your chances of success: enjoy real meals with your friends and family.

Secret 5: Get over your mistakes

Plan your meals, snacks and treats. So you “shouldn’t” have felt deprived and you “shouldn’t” have eaten the pizza, but you did. Having a plan helps, but it doesn’t guarantee absolute success. What you really shouldn’t do is stop trying.

Secret 6: Pamper yourself

You love chocolate, but when you’re trying to lose weight, you aim for nutritional perfection. So you give it up completely and eat apples. For most people, this is impossible to achieve every minute of the day. Acknowledging realistic expectations is key to weight loss. Don’t deprive yourself of everything you love just keep your little indulgences in moderation and factor them into the plan for the day. Dieting isn’t about perfection it’s about balance.

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