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What to eat for breakfast to lose weight. 7 foods recommended by a nutritionist

There is the preconception that breakfast should be the richest meal of the day and that in the first part of the day we can satisfy all our culinary pleasures, without the fear of gaining weight. nutritionist Gianluca Mecca underlines, however, that we must be very careful about what we put on our plate even at the first meal of the day if we want to lose weight or even just keep our figure.

It is recommended that you opt for a high-protein, low-carbohydrate breakfast. This will stimulate protein synthesis after the overnight fasting period. Proteins nourish muscle and, above all, it gives us a feeling of satiety that will last for several hours. Of course, all balanced in quantity, she declares.

If you want to lose a few extra pounds or keep them at bay, here are some examples of foods you should eat for breakfast.


Eggs are an excellent source of protein. It gives us satiety and helps maintain it constant levels of blood sugar and insulin. Eggs are also one of the best sources of choline, a very important nutrient for brain and liver health.

Omelette with vegetables it’s a great option for an adequate breakfast. However, we must be careful to prepare it without oil or with a little olive oil.


We can also add dried fruit to our healthy breakfast. It induces the feeling of satiety and prevents weight gain. Reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, insulin resistance and have anti-inflammatory properties. They are also useful for people with diabetes.

Flax and chia seeds

The seeds, whether we are talking about those of flax or of chia, are very nutritious and are an excellent source of fiber and antioxidants. It helps digestion and keeps the feeling of satiety longer.

They are particularly suitable for those suffering from diabetes, but also for those prone to cardiovascular diseases.

Greek yogurt

Greek yogurt it is very rich in proteins, induces the feeling of satiety and stimulates the metabolism. The high-fat one contains conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), which can promote weight loss and reduce the risk of breast cancer.

You can combine yogurt with fresh fruit to increase the vitamin, mineral and fiber content of the meal.


Oatmeal contain a unique fiber called beta-glucan, which has many health benefits. For example, it helps reducing cholesterol levels.

Oats are also rich in antioxidants, which protect heart health and help lower blood pressure.

Goat cheese

Goat cheese is a good source of selenium, an essential trace mineral found most often in seafood. Selenium helps the body break down DNA-damaging peroxides, which can reduce the risk of developing conditions such as cancer, thyroid disease, and cardiovascular disease.

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