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what to eat cold potatoes or cooked carrots? Here are the 4 ways to lower it naturally

What is blood sugar. Blood sugar is the concentration of glucose in the blood. A fundamental substance for the body because it is the essential nutrient for all cells. The most important source of glucose is food. This is why high blood sugar is fought at the table with a healthy diet. In healthy people, blood glucose values ​​remain between 60 and 130 mg / dl. Blood glucose values ​​equal to or greater than 126 mg / dl are, according to the American Diabetes Association, to be considered probable symptoms of diabetes.


High blood sugar, how to lower it.
Diet is important. The real tool for lowering high blood sugar. For this reason, it is necessary to reduce the portions of foods rich in carbohydrates such as cereals and derivatives, potatoes, shelled legumes, sweet fruit.

Cold potatoes.
Potatoes have a glycemic index of 85 when boiled. To help your blood sugar you need to eat them cold. In this way the starch that composes them, during cooling, becomes less soluble and therefore less available. In this way the glycemic index is lowered even more and have a lower impact on blood sugar levels.

Carrots cooked.
Cooked carrots have a glycemic index of 90. They are a HIGH GI food. 100 grams of cooked carrots have a glycemic load of 6.46. While cooked carrots have the same rich texture as starchy vegetables, such as potatoes, they are classified as vegetables that can be eaten with diabetes because they don’t contain many carbohydrates.

There are several foods that are great allies for controlling glucose levels. Low-starch vegetables such as spinach, broccoli and green beans. Fish and lean meats such as salmon and chicken breast. Strawberries and oatmeal.

Natural remedies to lower blood sugar

There are some herbs in nature that can keep blood sugar at bay. Let’s see together what they are:

Ginseng. It slows down the absorption of carbohydrates by the intestine. It allows the body to balance insulin production with the amount of sugar ingested.

Garlic and onion. They contain sulfur compounds. For this they are able to optimize glucose and lipid levels in the blood. The allicin found in garlic prevents the breakdown of insulin by liver enzymes. This helps the blood to cleanse itself of excess glucose and prevents fat from depositing in the liver.

Cinnamon. Some studies have shown that this spice is able to reduce glycemic spikes after meals

Physical activity. Alongside a healthy diet and the help of some herbs and medicinal plants, it is always important to pay close attention to physical activity.

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