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What to Do When a Contractor’s Repair Doesn’t Fix Your Problem: Advice from a Building Surveyor

As a homeowner, there are few things more frustrating than discovering a leak and spending a substantial amount of money to have it fixed, only to find that the problem persists. Unfortunately, this scenario is not uncommon. Many homeowners can relate to this situation and are left wondering what to do next. In this article, we will explore the options available to you if you have paid a small fortune to have a leak fixed but to no avail. From seeking a refund to taking legal action, we will provide valuable information to help you navigate this frustrating and costly experience.

In late 2020, a leak in the ceiling of an individual’s home was discovered, which required extensive work costing over €3,000. A recommended roofing contractor appeared to have done a satisfactory job, but after several months, the leak resurfaced in the same spot. The contractor was informed, and while they did send their crew to check and perform more work, they were defensive about their initial job and claimed that any further recurrence would not be their fault but rather due to poor initial installation work. The customer wonders if it is common for such issues to occur with tradespeople and questions if they should have obtained a signed document from the contractor.

The contractor had fixed the most apparent issue on the roof and priced accordingly, but the root of the problem could have been located elsewhere, leading to ineffective repairs being conducted. It is suggested that a chartered building surveyor should be consulted to identify the problem and recommend the best course of action. If additional work needs to be done outside of the initial scope, then the roofer who had completed the initial work can be asked to price the additional works. The combined effort of client, building surveyor, and contractor should result in a satisfactory outcome.

In conclusion, dealing with home repairs, especially leaks, can be frustrating and costly. Sometimes, despite our best efforts and investments, the problem persists. However, don’t give up hope yet. There are still some avenues you can explore, such as seeking a refund or filing a complaint with the contractor. You can also try reaching out to other professionals or seeking a second opinion. Whatever you choose to do, remember that patience, persistence, and clear communication are key to resolving any home repair issue successfully.

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