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What to do in Barcelona today, Wednesday May 27, 2020

The University of Barcelona (UB) It regularly organizes a series of interesting activities so that both students and restless people who are curious about their subjects can learn to become passionate about knowledge. One of the most consolidated is the Matefest-Infofest, than organizes for more than 20 years the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics with the intention of demonstrating that both subjects are not only not boring, but they have a lot of daily applications that will surprise us.

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This year, the circumstances oblige, it will not be possible to be held in person but they have made numbers and have left the accounts to be able to offer us a virtual edition. Its students and teachers have programmed a list of talks and interactive teaching units that have in common their desire to explain mathematical and computer concepts in a pleasant and informative way. Let’s get into your page and discover the wonderful world of numbers, how we can play with them and find practical applications for them.

Remote workshops

The traditional ones stands have been replaced by virtual experiences with workshops on topics as diverse as topology and the representations it offers, graphs and their usefulness, quantum, the importance of women in the evolution of mathematics, logical paradoxes that will make us stay for a while thinking, mathematical games or mobile applications in around the numbers.

The Museu de les Matemàtiques de Catalunya sign up for the party and proposes several experiments related to geometry for which we will use materials that we can find at home. Geogebra applications will reveal to us the magic tricks that we can do with mathematics and that will leave our friends with their mouths open. The usual gymkhana will be replaced by a quiz about the workshops and there is also a linguistics quiz so we can rethink whether we use the right words to define concepts in these subjects.

Conferences and a virtual exhibition

The conferences are another important section. Professor Olga Julià will discover the secrets of Nightingale’s rose, a graphic that raised awareness about how diseases affected soldiers in the 19th century. The second master class will be taught by the researcher Enric Guaus, who studies the interaction between music and technology, and the composer Fèlix Pastor. Both propose us a new way of listening to certain types of music in a longer period of time, which will allow us to listen to them in a different way and discover new relationships. Finally, Professor Núria Fagella will introduce us to the exciting world of fractals, some very striking mathematical objects and their similarity to natural phenomena, and Professor David Márquez will introduce us to the enigmatic universe of chance surrounding card, dice, lottery or betting games.

The exhibition of the Faculty Library can be visited virtually, The name d’or: provided by the bellesa, which runs conceptually, bibliographically and historically the evolution of the geometric concept of the golden ratio from ancient Greece to the present day and its presence in many patterns of nature. A day to delve into the secrets of mathematics and computing and discover that they can even be fun.

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