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what to do and what not to do if you have symptoms?

While signals seem to indicate a slight resumption of the coronavirus epidemic in France, the human toll of the Covid-19 epidemic now stands at 30,120 dead across the country, Wednesday July 15. While 8 clusters have been detected in France over the past 24 hours, it is worth remembering the procedure to follow if you have symptoms coronavirus.

First of all, these symptoms are multiple and can be characterized by difficulty breathing, cough, fever, loss of taste and / or smell, sore throat or diarrhea. If your body is affected and you are wondering if it is not the Covid-19, the Ministry of Health first asks to stay at home and avoid contact as much as possible.

Instead of going to the hospital or to your doctor, give priority to teleconsultation by contacting him by telephone. While waiting to take a test to know if you are positive or not, you must isolate yourself strictly at home.

To avoid contaminating those around you, apply as much as possible barrier gestures : wash your hands very regularly, cough or sneeze in his elbow or in a handkerchief, greet without shaking hands, avoid kissing and use disposable handkerchiefs and throw them away.

A site to assess your symptoms

Another tool, the site maladiecoronavirus.fr, can also help you if you have persistent symptoms. Referenced by the Ministry of Health, it allows all those who think they are infected to take an anonymous and free “test” with 24 questions on their symptoms but also on their medical history.

In the case where symptoms worsen and prevent you from breathing, call the Samu (15). In case of suspicion of the Covid-19, you will then be prescribed a quick test. If it is positive, you must remain confined to limit spread of the virusbecause you are contagious.

Don’t call Samu – Center 15 that in case of extreme emergency because call centers must give priority to people who present real breathing difficulties and signs of suffocation or even discomfort.

In case your main symptom is fever, avoid taking certain medications as anti-inflammatory drugs (ibuprofen, cortisone, etc.) as they could be an aggravating factor for the infection. In case of fever, only paracetamol is recommended by health professionals.

Several ways to get tested

In case the symptoms do not get better after several days or worse, only get worse, you may get tested in several ways. First of all the serological test, which consists of a blood test revealing the formation of antibodies in reaction to the virus.

If their presence is detected, it may mean Covid-19 immunity. Reliable serological tests are included in an online list of site of the Ministry of Solidarity and Health and are reimbursed by Social Security.

The tests virologiques RT-PCR consist of a nasal or salivary swab. The result is generally available within 24 hours, transmitted by telephone or the Internet. This type of test should must be carried out by a doctor or nurse in screening centers, the list of which is available at the sante.fr website.

RT-PCR virological tests are available on prescription to people with symptoms, and without prescription to people identified as having been in contact with positively tested patients.

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