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what to do after the lockdown? The new EU rules

The Coronavirus has wiped out many of our classic certainties, it has also streamlined some paperwork and has changed others, think for example of the renewal of the expired driving license and revisions.

The new rules are included within the European regulation 698 and tell us what to do in case our license is expired or expires between 1 February 2020 and 31 August 2020. In this case the deadline is extended by 7 months, so we can use our document to circulate in Italy as in the other EU member countries up to 7 months from the due date. Despite these extensions, it is obviously recommended to renew the expired license as soon as possible.

Moving instead to the periodic review on cars, vehicles for the transport of goods and trailers with a mass exceeding 3.5 tons, if the revision expired before February 2020, it can be circulated without problems on the national territory until 31 October. If, on the other hand, the revision expired in February 2020, it can be circulated until 31 October on national territory and until 30 September in the EU.

Third case, revision expired or that expires between March 31 and August 31: it is possible to circulate in Italy and in the EU for 7 months beyond the expiry date. For the motorcycles and trailers with a mass of less than 3.5 tons with a review that has expired or expires by 31 July, it can circulate on national territory until 31 October.

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