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What to do about neighborhood noise

Rest disturbance is one of the most common causes of quarrels among neighbors. What is allowed and what is not allowed at certain times is clearly legally regulated by the municipalities and cities. There are fines for violating the rules.

After a hard day’s work or at night, many people want one thing above all: rest. However, not every neighbor takes this into account. This can quickly lead to a strong conflict between the parties.

Rest disturbance: Often a reason for trouble with the neighbors

In particular, disturbances in rest are always a reason why neighbors clash. If a clarifying conversation does not help, it may make sense to turn on the police or the regulatory office. In rented apartments, if your neighbors continue to disturb you, you can also make your landlord responsible.

There must be calm at these times

Not everything that you subjectively see as a disturbance of rest can also be legally punished. You have to accept a variety of sources of noise, especially during the day.

There are usually rules for night’s rest in the house rules, which all tenants must adhere to. Local rest periods also apply. These often state: There must be silence between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. If your neighbor is still celebrating too loudly or has turned up the stereo system as far as it will go, you can report him because of disturbance in silence. You have the option of calling the police, who will then order your neighbors to refrain from disturbing the peace. Alternatively, you can file a noise report with the regulatory office.

Reduced rent due to disturbance of rest

If you are a tenant and suffer from rest disorders, you can also expect your landlord to take care of the misconduct of your neighbors. You rented an apartment from him where you would like to live undisturbed. If the quality of life is reduced by disturbances of rest, you can ask the landlord to remedy the causes. For example, he would have to pray the tenants from whom the disturbance of the peace originates and bring about a change in behavior here. If the landlord does not become active or is unsuccessful, you can threaten him with a rent reduction.

Possibilities under civil law

In parallel to possible notifications to the police and the public order office, you also have the option of taking legal action against your neighbors. If the disturbance of the calm continues, ask them to sign a “punitive injunction”. In it, the neighbors undertake to pay a contractual penalty in the event of further disturbances to the peace. Do not sign, you can go to court.

It is best to consult a lawyer beforehand. However, before you resort to such measures at all, always look for a direct conversation first.

Overview: Weekend rest times

Quiet times on Saturday

A Saturday is considered a working day, unless it is a public holiday. As a rule, the same rest periods apply on this day as during the week: there is a rest after 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. or 7 a.m.

There are no separate rest periods.

Quiet times on Sunday

The rest times apply all Sunday.

Holiday rest periods

On public holidays, the rest periods apply throughout the day.

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