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What to consider when fertilizing and watering a Hass avocado crop

To develop an effective fertilization plan, it is essential to perform a nutritional diagnosis through soil and foliar analysis. These studies allow determining the specific nutrient requirements of the soil so that the plant reaches its maximum growth and production potential, as mentioned by the Colombian Agricultural Research Corporation (Agrosavia) in a manual called ‘Sustainable management practices for fertilization and irrigation of Hass avocado in the department of Cauca’.

The nutritional requirement of Hass avocado is established by comparing the nutrient content present in the soil with the nutritional status of the trees and standard values defined for the region. (Read in Livestock context: In vitro method improves quality of Hass avocado)

This process, known as nutritional diagnosis using IBN, allows us to identify nutrient deficiencies or excesses and adjust the fertilization plan accordingly.

For avocado cultivation, the IBN technique is recommended, which defines optimal values ​​for each nutrient according to the natural physiological variations in the soil and specific needs of the plant.Below are the steps required to calculate the IBN explained by Agrosavia:

1. When the value reported in the laboratory (X) is lower than the standard (S):

  • P = X/S x 100
  • I = (100 – P) x CV/100
  • B = P – I

2. When the value reported in (X) is greater than the standard (S):

  • P = X/S x 100
  • I = (P – 100) x CV/100
  • B = P – I


  • S: Standard value
  • I: Influence of variation.
  • P: Percentage of the standard.
  • CV: Coefficient of variation.
  • B: Balance index.

Fertilizer application based on phenological states

Fertilization It should be carried out during the key phenological stages of the Hass avocado: dormant bud, flowering, initial fruit growth and linear fruit growth. In sandy soils, fertilizers tend to leach quickly, so monthly fertilization is recommended if the soil has a high percentage of sand.

“For soil fertilization, You must select the fertilizer sources, measure the fertilizer dose for each tree, check the soil moisture, apply the fertilizer and end irrigation,” the corporation explains.

Implementation of an irrigation system in Hass avocado cultivation

Adequate irrigation is another key factor for crop success. When planning the installation of an irrigation system, agro-environmental variables such as precipitation, temperature, relative humidity, solar radiation and wind speed must be considered. (It’s an Livestock context: These are the pests that affect Hass avocado cultivation)

These factors determine the crop’s water needs and, consequently, the irrigation strategy. There are some key variables for selecting the irrigation system:

  • Environment: Agrosavia points out that evaluating the historical behavior of climatic variables helps to plan irrigation during periods of water deficit or excess.
  • Floor: Analyze soil texture, infiltration and water retention capacity to adjust irrigation frequency and intensity.
  • Crop: Consider plant age, planting density and phenological stages to determine water requirements.
  • Available resources: Evaluate water sources, technology and local infrastructure to select the most appropriate irrigation system.

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