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What the New York Community Says About the Rise in Gun Violence Among Young People | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

the incident wasgang related andso far there are no arrests.adriana: this is the asrecent among the cases ofviolence between minors.so far this year, they havelost to those of 1100 lives ofadolescents and wings of 3200 hanresult injured on the foot.the teenage murdershave increased by 130%in the last 2 years.we have the data of minorsinvolved andconsequences left byfamilies, also the testimonyof a mother whose child underold was killed.>> my children don’t want to go outto the street, they are afraid.factor: mourning is theconsequence of their children thatThey are beginning to live.his son winston was murderedlast year for anotheradolescent.>> parents have to talkon how to respect the life ofbeing human, it is very importantspeak of the word of god.you have to tiefactor: the violence is gonedeepening since then,until seven you have, the19 shootings recorded tour,compared to 84 from last year.a marked increase of almostdouble compared to 45here others are excludedrecent incident.Jennifer was talking about a fighta 13-year-old shotto anotherwhat do you think of the children thatthey are involved in crimeand violence.>> I think it is lack ofparent education.behave there.factor: they come closer to usspontaneously just by seeingChambers.>> they are ending in this country,they have to put strong laws.factor: they are going to discussthe programs that there areavailable to those young people.>> there are programs availablefor the young, apart from theour parish for theyouth.we are in availability of

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