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What the Length of Your Fingers Says According to Science

NEW ENGLAND – Palm reading has been a popular divination method for centuries. However, the anatomy of the hands also interested scientists. However, the reason is not divination and predictions for the future, but the results of several studies that indicate that the structure and shape of the fingers can reveal quite a lot about people.

The researchers investigated the 2D:4D ratio, which represents the difference between the index and ring fingers. This is because it is a factor that is associated with many phenomena, from the ability to perform sports to obesity tendencies to aggressiveness and even psychopathic behavior. The parameters of this difference are considered by many to be the result of chance, but scientists suggest that it may be an indicator of how we developed in the mother’s body. Sports scientist Ben Serpell from the University of New England for the British daily Daily Mail he said the ratio is related to the mother’s hormone levels.

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“I assume that 2D:4D is already formed in the uterus at the end of the first trimester and is influenced by prenatal testosterone exposure. Because it is an androgenic hormone, it promotes characteristics that many consider masculine, and therefore women tend to have a higher 2D:4D ratio than men.” stated. The expert also notes that prenatal testosterone is associated with sensitivity to this hormone later in life. Given this connection, scientists often focus on properties that are believed to be related to sensitivity to its level.

Ring finger longer than index finger

If your ring finger is longer than your index finger, it means you have a low 2D:4D ratio. It’s also worth remembering that men will almost always have a lower ratio than women because they are exposed to more prenatal testosterone. However, if you, as a male or female, have an exceptionally low 2D:4D ratio, this may be cause for celebration. In his research, Dr. Serpell has identified a low ratio as a potential sign of success in ruby ​​game players, surgeons, and political journalists. The reason is that testosterone reactivity is related to the ability to receive and process information. “We argue that the 2D:4D ratio can predict the ability to maintain focus,” he stated and added that it is thanks to this ability that people are successful.

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Other studies have also found an association between a low 2D:4D ratio and physical fitness parameters in young professional soccer players. In 2021, an international team of scientists published in the journal BMC Sports Science, Medicine, and Rehabilitation the results of a survey in which he examined 24 players under the age of 17 and measured their fitness and finger length. They found that the larger the ring finger in relation to the index finger, the better the athletes performed in terms of strength and conditioning. IN study from 2005, involving 298 students at the University of Alberta, again reported that a lower 2D:4D ratio was associated with higher levels of aggression in males. The researchers even found that men with a lower ratio received more penalties during the hockey season. Perhaps the most shocking is finding, that a lower ratio is also associated with opioid abuse disorder, antisocial personality disorder, and even psychopathic tendencies. Based on these results, the researchers believe that psychopathy may have “biological roots.”

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Psychoanalytik Seyed Sepehr Hashemian povedal: “We were surprised to observe such a linear association between higher psychopathology symptoms and a lower 2D:4D ratio. The more symptoms an adult participant had, the more evidence that they were exposed to a higher concentration of testosterone and a lower concentration of estrogen during the prenatal period of life.” At the same time, the expert emphasizes that although the level of the male hormone can predispose a person to certain behavior, it is not an unchangeable matter. “Some features associated with a lower 2D:4D ratio may be perceived negatively in certain contexts, but are advantageous in others, such as in competitive or demanding situations,” he added.

Index finger longer than ring finger

And how about the other way around when you have a tall 2D:4D and your index finger is longer than your ring finger? In addition to this ratio being associated with the opposite properties of a low ratio, some research has focused specifically on one phenomenon and suggests that a high ratio is associated with higher levels of pain in a variety of situations. It is believed that a higher 2D:4D ratio is a marker of lower testosterone levels and higher levels of estrogen exposure in the prenatal stage. In a 2017 paper, researchers from the Medical University of Łódź found that out of a hundred men and women who underwent nose surgery, a higher ratio was associated with more post-operative pain in women, the British daily reports.

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However, the fact that in 2015 in study The International Headache Center in Beijing found that women with a higher 2D:4D ratio were less prone to migraines. Another one of studies from 2022, also from the Medical University in Łódź, pointed out the role of estrogen and testosterone in the formation of fat accumulation according to gender. One group of researchers reported that women tend to store more fat in their arms, legs and thighs than men. Based on this assumption, the authors of the study later examined the proportions of the fingers of 125 adults to see if this factor had any connection with being overweight. A higher ratio has been shown to be associated with an increase in obesity in both sexes.

2024-02-12 04:00:00
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