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What the Legislature Plans to Do About Extending New York’s Eviction Moratorium | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

you can request on the pageweb that appears on the screen.it is estimated that about 800,000families in new york mustback rent, but fordeepen the subject, we wantedtalk to an asamblist,Carmen de la Rosa.Let’s see what he told us.Carmen de la Rosa, let’stalk about the moratorium thatexpires tomorrow, what will happen?>> we are already backAlbany. we know this is fromemergency sum. it’s a threatreal, there we arepreparing to return toAlbany to address the issue ofmoratorium. we have known that thesupreme court said that someparts that we had already passedthey are not constitutional.we have to change thelegislation to provide wingssecurity to tenants ofour communities. we knowthat there is a problem with thedisplacement of tenants,we know that the program and thebudget negotiation thatis the anger, the programemergencies have not done thework enough so thatthat money reaches the hand oflandlords to prevent amass eviction. we have a lotwork to do formake sure they cangive these funds and preventtheir tenants are evicted.hope: governor kathyhochul has said no, hascall to extend thewhat will happen in thatsense?>> I am very grateful to thegovernor hochul, she hasmade this call that hascommon sense. we know that byfailure in the programEmergency Assistance,many people have not been ablepay your rent. the next stepI knew that the legislature would returnextraordinary session andlet’s pass a new law thatyork, to ensure that everythingtype of tenants areprotected under this new law.hope: various officialselected are calling atpeople to apply.with these aids or is it neededa lot of wings?>> it is important that you apply,that gives you a year, it protects youfor a whole year, but not thatIt’s enough. we know there iswhat are they living in homesrented that do not qualifyduring that program. there thatwe have to do more to

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