Director VK Reacted To Makeup Artist Ranju Ranjimar’s Criticism Against Shine Tom Chacko. Prakash. Ranju Ranjimar is not a part of his upcoming film Live and VK says Prakash. Shine Tom Chacko is an actor who arrives on time on the sets of his films and plays the character beautifully. VK said they don’t understand the purpose of a makeup artist who campaigns so fake. Prakash said.
“A makeup artist who is not part of a live-action film crew I am directing has heard that she is spreading false and libelous propaganda about an artist named Shine Tom Chacko, who works very collaboratively on our film. This is completely false propaganda. . This actor comes in at just the right time and plays the character just right. I don’t see the point of the occasional false propaganda. Let none of this affect anyone.” – VK said Prakash.
Ranju Ranjimar made a defamatory comment about Shine Tom Chacko in an interview with the channel. Ranju’s response was that Shine Tom Chacko is a man who does many things like walking on sets in skimpy clothes and running away during filming without even considering that he is acting with a woman. Ranju said that because of this actor he also suffers on film sets and actors association should intervene and check salaries.