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What tasks does a narrative designer undertake in video game careers?

First job – The narrative designer is in charge of the narrative coherence of the video game. He is involved from the creation of the object.

The narrative designer designs the narrative elements of a video game and ensures their consistency throughout the production process. It is therefore essential to the good construction of the story of the game.

Because before it arrives on your smartphone, tablet or console, video games have passed through many hands. From design to distribution, no less than fifty professions take part in the adventure, from marketing to publishing, including image, sound and design.

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What assignments? The narrative designer ensures the creation and narrative coherence of a video game. For this, he has a key role in the design phase of the game in question: he writes the “narrative bible” of the latter, writes a pitch that summarizes the game, writes a synopsis, that is to say a summary of the story, introducing the characters, the places? etc He must also narrate sequence and scene changes. Finally, he writes a scenario which he modifies according to the requirements of the creative directors. If the game is rooted in a particular historical period, it should do some documentation work to ensure historical consistency.

The narrative designer also participates in the creation of the characters, builds the dialogues and the voiceovers. Its role also consists of proposing narrative tools to ensure the fluidity of the dialogues. Finally, he can intervene in the writing of menus and/or interfaces.

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What qualities? The narrative designer must know how to work in a team and master the techniques of communication, whether written or oral. It is essential for him to master the concepts of design and to have a basis in art history.

What training? The narrative designer can be a film or image school graduate. But, given the historical and writing skills he must have, he may as well have studied literature or history.

What salary? According to the National Video Game Syndicate (SNJV), a confirmed narrative designer earns €39,000 gross per year.

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