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What symptoms are there – and what you can do about them

  • Iron in the body: functions and occurrences
  • Symptoms of iron deficiency
  • This is how iron deficiency is treated
  • Tip: foods containing iron
  • You can do that against iron deficiency

Iron deficiency can be through a Blood test determine with a doctor and depending on the extent with appropriate Medicinal products or natural Home remedies treated to rebalance the iron balance. Since iron can only be absorbed through food, regular consumption of iron-containing foods is highly recommended.

What is iron Functions and occurrence of the trace element

To demand (Ferrum) is a mineral dust and in the body mainly on Oxygen transport involved. The body cannot produce the trace element itself and therefore has to absorb the nutrient through food. Both a Iron deficiency as well as a Excess iron can disturb the organism and sometimes serious illnesses result.

The body needs minerals such as iron less than 50 milligrams per kilogram of body weight. The trace elements also include, among other things Selenium, zinc and iodine. But although the body only needs the trace element iron in low concentrations, it is for it vital. Because iron takes on numerous essential function in the human organism, such as the Blood formation, Oxygen transport and the Enzyme formationthat control the metabolism in the body.

The human organism contains between two and four grams of iron. A third of it is in the liver, spleen, intestinal lining and bone marrow. Two thirds are in the blood, bound to the red blood pigment hemoglobin. The inhaled oxygen is bound to the iron in the blood and transported to the organs. Reading tip: You can find out why coffee is a bad idea after a meal in our article.

These are the symptoms of iron deficiency

Iron deficiency is not uncommon: a quarter of the world’s population, well 25 percent, has too little iron in the blood. This not only applies to countries with poor supply situations, also in Germany nutrient deficiency is widespread.

Iron deficiency is most common in women. This is related to the regular loss of blood (Menstruation). First of all, the body can compensate for the iron deficiency with the help of reserves. If the iron stores are exhausted, however, the formation of new red blood cells is hindered, causing it to Anemia comes. If the iron deficiency persists, the affected person is often exhausted and feels tired, forgetful or nervous, irritable and tense. Also headaches, sensitivity to cold and a drop in performance Symptoms in the case of iron deficiency.

Signs of iron deficiency:

  • Pale skin and mucous membrane
  • shortness of breath
  • fatigue
  • dizziness
  • headache
  • Drop in performance
  • forgetfulness
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Nervousness, inner restlessness
  • Loss of appetite
  • Gastrointestinal complaints
  • Fits of faintness
  • Increased susceptibility to infection
  • Dry skin
  • difficulties swallowing
  • heartburn
  • Severe hair loss
  • Brittle nails

This is how iron deficiency is treated

To determine an iron deficiency or an excess of iron, the Iron, ferritin and transferrin levels in the blood to be determined. Iron levels depend on age, gender, and diet. Iron deficiency is much more common than iron excess. The excess iron is deposited in some organs, especially in the liver, and can cause organ damage there.

Iron deficiency triggers are usually one-sided, unbalanced eating habits. Make sure that you have enough iron-rich foods on your menu. In addition, regular, quiet exercise such as yoga or Pilates will keep you fit.

In the event of a deficiency, iron can also be taken in tablets or due to reduced dietary intake Direct Spray are fed. However, it is easier for the body to absorb from food and there are no possible side effects. Reading recommendation: Increased cancer risk through meat consumption? In our article we clarify.

Tip: You can consume these iron-containing foods

There are plant and animal products that contain large amounts of iron. In the case of a slight undersupply, it helps to reach for iron-containing foods in the daily food intake. Above all, this includes Meat, sausage, pork liver and fish. Alternatively also included Fruits, vegetables, legumes, and nuts enough iron to meet the need. Foods high in iron:

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  • meat
  • sausage
  • liver
  • fish
  • Beetroot
  • Carrots
  • pumpkin
  • Zucchini
  • Red berries (currants, elderberries, raspberries)
  • Nuts (Brazil nuts, almonds, sunflower and pumpkin seeds)
  • Leafy vegetables (fennel, chard, rocket)
  • applesauce
  • Dried fruits (peaches, apricots, dates)
  • Legumes (beans, peas)
  • Chanterelles
  • parsley

The fruits and vegetables listed can of course also be consumed in juice form and serve as a suitable alternative for vegetarians and vegans. To support the absorption of iron, foods with vitamin C should be consumed with it. A glass of orange juice helps the body to better dissolve the iron from oat flakes, for example. Whole grain bread works better when raw vegetables are consumed with it.

You can do that against iron deficiency

Reduce yours Tee- (Black) and Coffee consumption: The one contained therein Tannin hinders the absorption of iron in the body, especially if too much is drunk. Even Fastfood and Cola work because of certain Phosphate equally counterproductive. And the myth “spinach helps against iron deficiency” is due to the contained in it Oxalic acid also not beneficial, as these make the absorption of iron more difficult. The acid comes in too Cocoa and rhubarb before.

Recognize and compensate for iron deficiency: View symptoms, causes and therapy on Amazon

The absorption capacity of iron varies. Bivalent iron, which is mainly found in meat, sausage, liver and fish, can produce approx ten times better, than the trivalent form. Vegetable iron is in trivalent form, which makes it somewhat difficult to absorb in the body. In addition, the secondary plant substances contained in plants have an inhibiting effect.

However, this does not mean that vegetarians or vegans necessarily suffer from iron deficiency. This can be remedied by adding Vitamin C, for example in the form of orange juice. Not every amount of iron that is supplied to the body is immediately available there. The body can cope with small, frequent doses better than a large amount at once.

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