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What steps is New York City taking to protect its residents from the winter storm | Videos | Univision 41 New York WXTV

valuable information. that isall the information, returnedjonathan: en new york esáDamaris Iaz, in Manhattan. usaccount what measures aretaking those people whothey have no choice but to go towork, despitethe big apple, this is justthe beginning. the city hasbeen preparing for thiswinter storm. thedepartment of healtha lot of work to do duringthe next 24 hours. bedifficult to move in the citythree, but more than one, for thefood deliverers. will tendto work in the middle of thisstorm.we are outmatched forstorm.alcalde eric adams, donduring a conference ofpress that took place inhealth, announced the measureswhat are they taking to protectto New Yorkers and visitorssoon we speak with the secretarydepartment press release.are they working 12 hours orwings we have wings of 700scattered is of salt in thestreets.we have more than 1800 truckswith shovels to clear thestreets when the snow falls.damaris: what are thestreets of them so they canresume your activities?the recommendation that peoplestay at home?>> í, otherwise you have to travel,so that we canclean the streets.damaris: expected to falla lot of snow anda lot of ice build up.the trucks will bewatering the salt of thiscompartment.while the snow, the salt. thesalt will be watered by aá. perthat’s what you shouldstay away from thesetrucks, also in themain roads.if you see them, take aside.stay home, unlesshave an emergency.the mayor announced that it will beon city sidewalks.the restaurants will followopen.those who distribute food,They should be very careful.it’s hard to do this jobwith a lot of snow.staying at home is not aoption?>> no, because we suffer like apunishment, they raise our reservation andwe can’t work other daysafter.damaris: the last 24 hourswill be difficult forpeople who work in thestreets, that you have toget up early to winwe remind you to call 311,if one is presented to thememergency.If your home plumbingfreeze or heating or

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