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What state pharmacies sell medicines for animals in Havana?

This week finally started selling medicines for animals in some pharmacy from Havana. Is about an old claim animalist agenda (the need for an organized and affordable sale of veterinary medicine to exist), although its compliance has begun in a very basic way and it does not seem that it will improve in a short time.

For now, medicines authorized for marketing are those made by the National Center for the Production of Laboratory Animals (CENPALAB). This is: the vaccine against parvovirus and the gammas against parvovirus and distemper. In two pharmacies in which we were able to check, the first one was missing.

Los priceson the other hand, are a subject of scandal. Since the Sorting Task shot the inflation in Cuba, the state has been increasing prices, both food and other products without much modesty. that which warned Marino Murillo that it was going to bring bad consequences to whoever exercised it (that is, speculative and abusive prices) has become a state practice quite quickly. The fee for these medications are: vaccine against parvovirus, 132.10 pesos; hyperimmune gamma against parvovirus, 228.65; and hyperimmune gamma against distemper, 367.25.

However, both diseases are among the most torpid and frequent for dogs in Cuba, with such a large street population and such a lack of vaccinations. Distemper is especially dramatic. To treat it with the CENPALAB gamma, the dog must be injected for the first 72 hours, at a rate of one milligram per kilogram of weight every 12 hours, and then once a day for up to five days. In other words, for a medium-sized to small dog that weighs ten kilograms, the total treatment would take 12 vials, which means an amount of 4,407 pesos, an expense that represents just one of the medicines that must be treated with, and which you have to add the doctor’s fees, which are quite high, including state fees and transportation.

In the networks, users are scandalized by the prices, which have been in force for a couple of years now, except that before the medicine either had to be bought from a reseller, or had to be found in Santiago de las Vegas at CENPALAB. Now, in theory, it will be found in each municipality of Havana, at the rate of one pharmacy per municipality.

These are the dispensaries available:

Stream: Unit 745: Calzada de Bejucal S/N, between Gutenberg and Alfredo López

Boyeros: Unit 672, 184 # 40.915, between Lídice and 411, Santiago de las Vegas

Square: Unit 749, 23 # 1.602, between 28 and 30

Havana Center: Unit 741, Infanta # 466, between San Rafael and San José

Old Havana: Unit 721, Chacón #63 / Aguiar and Havana

Hill: Unit 972, Ayestarán # 357, corner of Gral. Suárez.

Rule: Unit 661: Ave.Rotaria # 674, corner of Enlace

East Havana: Unit 608 (Guanabo), 5th Ave. # 46610 e/ 466 and 468. Unit 677 (Pan American Village), 15 C building

Guanabacoa: Unit 622, Independence # 607 e/Bishop and Mill

San Miguel del Padrón: Unit 648, Sol # 13.405 between Varela and Diego, San Francisco de Paula

Cotorro: Unit 650: Ave. 101 # 2.027 e/ 20 y 22

Diez de Octubre: Unit 704, Porvenir # 352, corner of Concepción

Beach: Unit 601, Ave. 31 # 3.101, between 42 and 44

Marianao: Unit 642, Ave. 51 #10.058 between 100 and 102

La Lisa: Unit 644, Calle 51, corner to 190

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