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What should a Christian think of Hollywood?


Hollywood is more than a California city. The word Hollywood has become associated with glitz and glamour, as well as the extravagant lifestyles and hedonistic philosophy of movie stars and celebrities. Love it or hate it, Hollywood has a huge influence on popular culture in the West and around the world.

Usually, we use the word Hollywood to refer to anything related to the entertainment industry, although other cities such as New York and Nashville collaborate as well. Although there are many Christians who live in Hollywood and work in the film industry, much of the entertainment that is produced there is completely secular. Many films promote waste, adultery, sensuality, self-worship, and idolatry. Some Hollywood movies show an obvious bias against God. The lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life (1 John 2:16) abound in the movies that Hollywood makes. Going to the movies can be a dangerous proposition for believers who want to keep their minds clean. Should Christians Boycott? Should they be mindless consumers of any entertainment that comes out? Or should they find a middle ground?

To answer Hollywood, several questions must be considered:

1. What exactly is it about Hollywood that attracts us so much? Part of Hollywood’s appeal is the greed it brings. From all the newspapers and television we are told that we should want what celebrities have. Headlines like “America Wants to Know” or “The Life Every Woman Dreams of” shout at us from the store lines, conveying the message that we cannot be satisfied unless we follow celebrities. Millions of disaffected people swallow this and, in their attempt to live like their idols, go into debt, become anorexic or promiscuous. Hollywood is dedicated to creating images and forcing them on us, whether we want it or not.

God has strong words for the sin of greed. He included it in his Top Ten List (Exodus 20:17). Jesus said, “Take heed and beware of all covetousness; for a man’s life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions” (Luke 12:15). Greed is a thief that steals joy, peace, and contentment, qualities that God wants His children to have in abundance (Galatians 5:22; 1 Timothy 6:6). For a Christian, to fall in love with the lavish lifestyles of the rich and famous is to break God’s tenth commandment and lose the happiness He wants us to develop.

2. Why is Hollywood so influential? In addition to the material in which it beats, Hollywood has come to represent the great American interest in entertainment. Entertainment is an idol that has quietly slipped through the back door of Western Christianity. He goes almost unnoticed as a threat because he does not wear the mask of evil. The entertainment itself is neutral. We use it to distract crying babies, calm restless children, and calm tired workers. Recreation can help unite a family on vacation, give teenagers something healthy, and provide fun during stressful times.

However, in rich cultures, entertainment has become an addiction. Entertainment itself steals time, money, and mental energy that could be spent on more worthwhile activities. A global appetite for entertainment is at the heart of Hollywood. Hollywood could not sustain itself without the will of the public. As with any addiction, the desire for more pleasure increases, which is why the public wants bigger, louder, more interesting, more beautiful and more meaningful shows. Lust for entertainment can replace the joy of the Lord so that time with God is seen as an interruption in the pursuit of pleasure. At that time, entertainment has replaced God as our true pleasure and has become an idol (Exodus 20:3; 34:14; Jeremiah 2:13).

Entertainment is also bad when we allow ourselves to be engrossed in things that displease the Lord (Romans 1:32). When we excuse the sex scenes of a movie with “It had a good message” or when we become fans of openly immoral artists, we are crossing a line. We let Hollywood, and not the Word of God, define our values. When making entertainment choices, a good question to ask is “If Jesus came to spend the weekend with me, would I be happy to share this with him?” Would he approve the film? the reality show? the new CD? Would you buy People magazine and revel in stories of cheaters and infidelities? Would you recommend the sexy dancers on stage? If he didn’t, why do we do it?

3. Do we allow language and behavior in films and television programs that we would never accept if they were made in our homes? If we are willing to see acts of violence, immorality, blasphemy, and anti-Christian themes without being disturbed, we may have allowed Hollywood values ​​to invade our lives. When we can fill our minds with vulgarities on Saturday night, but show up for worship on Sunday morning without realizing the impurity, we have fallen victim to the delusion of the Hollywood god.

Philippians 4:8 teaches us about our thoughtful life: “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honest, whatever is right, whatever is true, whatever whatever is lovely, whatever is of good report; is there anything worthy of praise, think about this.” Jesus said, “For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, fornication, theft, false witnesses, blasphemy” (Matthew 15:19). When our mind is entertained by what God wants, our mental life and ultimately our actions will be affected. Proverbs 13:20 says, “He who walks with wise men will be wise, but he that walketh with fools shall be broken.”

The way we spend our time ultimately defines us. If Hollywood doesn’t reflect the values ​​we say are dear, we should be careful with the time we give it. To honor God, we must compare the values ​​of Hollywood with the infallible standard of Scripture. Therefore, as Romans says, “Hate what is evil, pursue what is good” (Romans 12:9). Hollywood makes light of what God despises. Why do we assume that God is indifferent when culture cries out for representations of sin? As Christians, we must seek God and His righteousness (Matthew 6:33). If a form of entertainment does not support that goal, our response is to reject it.

2024-07-31 17:25:45
#Christian #Hollywood

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