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What saint is celebrated today, Thursday, August 15, 2024?

The solemnity of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, established in 1950, It is celebrated every August 15 according to the Catholic calendar. This is a very important date for Catholics and was established in 1905 by Pope Pius XII.

Find out what this date is all about, as well as which other saints are remembered by the calendar of saints on a day like today.

What is the Assumption of the Virgin Mary?

The assumption of the Virgin Mary It was established on November 1, 1950 by Pope Pius XII and its denial is considered impious and sacrilegious.

It is considered the most important Marian feast, since it celebrates the fulfillment of God’s promise to the mother of Jesus, according to official information from the Vatican.

One of the oldest accounts of this act was made in the 5th century by Saint Juvenal, Bishop of Jerusalem, who noted that the Virgin Mary died in the presence of all the apostles.


This Thursday, August 15, the Catholic calendar celebrates the Assumption of the Virgin Mary.

Days later, at the request of Saint Thomas, his tomb was opened only to see that his body was no longer there.

The Assumption of the Virgin Mary is one of the few ecclesiastical events in which there is communion, being considered of supreme value by the Christian churches of the East and West.

There are indications that this celebration dates back to the 7th century in Rome, But its elevation to the rank of dogma of faith did not occur until 1950, when Pope Pius XII incorporated it into his encyclical entitled “Munificentissimus Deus”, where he points out that the Virgin Mary was raised body and soul to heaven.

This statement was reinforced by Pope Benedict XVI, who stated that the Assumption of Mary is a probable opinion, so that its denial for the Catholic faithful implies an impure point of view contrary to the faith.


Saints’ calendar for the Catholic Church

The Catholic calendar of saints is the collection of people recognized by the Church as saints or blessed on a specific date. Saints are men and women who stood out in various religious traditions for their relationships with divinities. The consideration of blessed constitutes the third step on the path to canonization.

Other saints celebrated on August 15

  • Saint Alypius of Tagaste
  • San Estanislao de Kostka
  • Saint Mary of the Dawn
  • Saint Simplician of Milan.

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