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What really gets on the nerves of YouTube star Michael Buchinger

In order to get material for his videos and his new cabaret program “A bit of hatred must be”, he repeatedly finds himself in new and completely unfamiliar situations. For example, recently he was drawn to a monastery to fast.

“I checked in there, they examined me, a nutritionist measured me and explained to me that I was overweight. That surprised me a bit – but that was quickly cleared up. It was a typo. She wrote that I’m 1.65 m tall, but I’m 1.75 m tall, “he took the matter with humor.

But when it comes to hate speech online, the fun stops for him.

“Fortunately, I have a thick skin today. But I try to moderate the comments and delete hate messages that offend entire groups of people. If a 15-year-old person who is homosexual but unouted, reads a homophobic comment, then it can do something with you (Buchinger came out at the age of 15). I, on the other hand, am a 28-year-old sack who has heard all of this anyway. “

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