Home » today » Technology » What poisonous spiders are dangerous in Poland? Threatening spider bites. Watch out for the bites of these spiders! May 15, 2021

What poisonous spiders are dangerous in Poland? Threatening spider bites. Watch out for the bites of these spiders! May 15, 2021

What poisonous spiders are dangerous in Poland? Threatening spider bites. Watch out for the bites of these spiders! There are 820 species of spiders in Poland and only two of them do not have venom glands, so almost all of them can bite us. And they live right next to us – in homes, on plots of land, in gardens, at work, in parks, on the streets, in cars – practically everywhere.

What poisonous spiders are dangerous in Poland? Threatening spider bites. Watch out for the bites of these spiders!

The most poisonous spiders are also seen in the Łódź region. Fortunately, they are far from the most dangerous, exotic, which can even kill a human being.

The bite of our local spiders is also painful and can even cause fainting. In the worst case, however, we will experience a severe allergic reaction, similar to a hornet or wasp sting.

Especially at the turn of summer and autumn, spiders become active, because many spiders have their mating season in summer, which can also be seen in the Łódź region.

See the ranking of the most poisonous spiders in Poland. You will also meet most of them in our region (photos in the gallery).


1. Cave networkerIt is considered the most poisonous spider found in our country. It is located in sewage wells, caves, cellars, as well as at the mouths of railway tunnels. This species reaches a considerable size – the abdomen is only 1.5 cm long, but its body together with the legs is about 5 cm. She doesn’t weave a classic net and she is afraid of the light

2. Armed kolczak
It is one of the few spiders found in Poland, the bite of which causes symptoms of poisoning. It causes burning pain and inflammation. In humans, it causes prolonged pain, weakness and chills. Bite symptoms may last up to two weeks. It reaches up to 15 millimeters in length

3. Argiope striped
Considered the “prettiest” spider in our country. It is found mainly in dry and wet meadows covered with tall grass, wastelands, edges of young trees on the banks of water reservoirs, and even in gardens. It is very common on fruit bushes such as raspberries and in cereals. Reaches more than 2 centimeters in length. A sting by a small tit is compared to a wasp sting.

4. Topics
As the only species of spiders, it spends all its life in the water. Like other spiders, it breathes air, but in order to reconcile it with the aquatic lifestyle, it covers the abdomen with the openings of the respiratory organs with a special air envelope held by hairs on the abdomen.

5. Strojniś nadobny
One of the most colorful spiders we can meet around us. It occurs on sunny grasslands with sparse vegetation, most often on the southern slopes. In hunting these spiders, very good eyesight, which is as efficient as human sight, helps.

6. Teutonic Knights
Spiders in this family are characterized by a distinct cross pattern on the abdomen. The Teutonic spider occupied a unique position among the arthropods used to predict the weather. According to folk beliefs, their behavior foretold certain changes in weather conditions. Thus, low-mobility spiders that descend down a cobweb from the ceiling or sit in hiding were to herald rainy weather. On the other hand, the frequent appearance of spiders during rain, the building of large cobwebs and significant mobility were to signify the arrival of sunny weather.

7. Corner
Active at night. It inhabits dark places, such as flower beds, piles of wood, cellars and dark corners in human settlements. Builds funnel-shaped hunting nets. It is even more than 2 centimeters long (not counting the legs) and is often found in our apartments. Its jaws are strong enough to break through human skin.

8. Shake the nasosznik
A species of small spider characterized by long legs. His body is almost transparent. It has eight eyes. He lives in houses, flats and cellars. He likes dry and warm rooms.

9. Labyrinth funnel
It belongs to the same family as the angles that live in our homes. It usually creates its cobwebs very close to the ground, often directly above it, in a thicket of grasses and other plants. Sometimes, however, he does them at a higher level, e.g. in bushes or among hedges. Funnel’s web is a real masterpiece. In addition, quite the right sizes, because the diameter of the entire structure can be up to 50 cm!

Poisonous spiders in Poland.


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