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what not to do, traditions, prayer – Ukraine – tsn.ua

Dmitrievskaya Parental Saturday is one of the commemorative days of the year, when believers honor the memory of their deceased ancestors and pray for their souls. Read in the TSN.ua material, when is Dmitrievskaya funeral on Saturday, what to do and what not to do on this day.

The church has established special days on which believers can pray for deceased relatives, honor their memory, and visit the graves in the cemetery. They are called memorial or parental Saturdays. There are eight such dates in a year. In November, believers honor their deceased relatives Memorial Saturday of Dmitriev.

When is Dmitrievskaya on Saturday 2022

Dmitrievskaya Memorial Saturday always falls on the closest Saturday before the celebration of Dmitry Solunsky’s Memorial Day (November 8). If you look at the calendar, then in 2022 Dmitrievskaya’s parents’ Saturday will be November 5.

History of an important date

The first news about this event dates back to the fourteenth century. There is such a version of the origin of the requiem Saturday. After the battle of Kulikovo, the prince, who considered Dmitry Thessaloniki to be his patron and patron, invited Christians to honor the memory of 250,000 soldiers who died in battle every year.

Over time, Dmitrievskaya’s Parental Saturday became a universal day of remembrance. Therefore, the Orthodox began to remember in their prayers not only soldiers, but also their relatives who left this world. Since then, churches have traditionally performed a funeral liturgy, after which people go to cemeteries to the graves of deceased relatives.

There is another version of the origin of this memorial Saturday. It is believed that Ukrainians have long remembered the dead at the end of autumn. And with the advent of Christianity, this tradition has remained.

What to do: the traditions of the ancestors

Dmitrievskaya memorial Saturday: what to do / Photo: pixabay.com

Traditionally on this day three loaves and those plates that the deceased liked were brought to the churchwhen they were still alive. According to popular belief: the first bread was given to those ancestors who died long ago, the second – to grandparents and women of the next generation, and the third – to all Christians who died violently in war.

Dinner on Dmitriev’s memorial day was also special. Already on Friday our ancestors began to remember the dead. For dinner, be sure to purchase a new white tablecloth that adorned the table. Traditional dishes prepared. In particular, compote, kutya, cakes, pancakes. They have not forgotten the food that the deceased have loved throughout their life.

During the funeral meal, each family member had to set aside a spoonful of the plate on a separate plate. Then they left it on the table for the dead to taste. It was believed that at night the souls of relatives returned home to dine with their descendants. Make sure you put a bowl of water next to the plate and leave a towel behind. This was done so that after the meal they could wash themselves.

Dmitrievskaya memorial Saturday was the day on which helping the poor and the hungry. Be sure to give alms, asked to pray for souls, and left cakes for it. There was even a belief that if many elders walk on this day, then this is a good sign. God, according to beliefs, sends the deceased to Earth precisely in the form of elders. They go to see how their offspring live. Therefore, when they saw the elder, they immediately called him to the table, saying: “Come, grandfather, to dinner!“.

Believers come to church before they are born on Fridays. At this time, a large memorial service (parastas) is being served in the temples. Notes prepared with the names of the dead and bring Lenten bread, sweets, vegetables, fruit.

Dmitrievskaya memorial Saturday: what not to do

Dmitrievskaya’s parents’ Saturday you can’t remember the dead with a dirty word. Only good things should be said. Ukrainians and other peoples (for example in Italy) have a tradition of bringing alcoholic beverages to the cemetery and drinking them there. However, the Church categorically prohibits it. You can’t even bring alcohol (except Cahors) and meat dishes to the temple on this day.

This day is better refrain from noisy parties, parties, dances. To hold such celebrations on Dmitriev’s Saturday is considered a great sin. But don’t shed tears and don’t lose heart. The Church recommends spending this day in prayer, remembering those who are no longer with us.

Popular omens

According to popular beliefs, San Demetrius brings winter with him. They also believed that he locked the earth with a key, later in the spring San Yuri will open it (May 6).

Prayer for the Dmitrievskaya Memorial on Saturday

On this day they read prayer for all the dead:

Give rest, O Lord, to the souls of your deceased servants: my fathers (names), my relatives (names), my benefactors (names) and all those who gave their lives for the will of Ukraine (names) and all Christians, and every soul, who has rested and needs your mercy, and forgive them all their sins, free and unfree, and grant them the Kingdom of Heaven, and create an eternal memory for them. Amen.

Dmitrievskaya Memorial Saturday 2022: pictures

Dmitrievskaya Memorial Saturday images / Photo: TSN.ua

Dmitrievskaya Memorial Saturday images / Photo: TSN.ua

Dmitrievskaya Memorial Saturday images / Photo: TSN.ua

Dmitrievskaya Memorial Saturday images / Photo: TSN.ua

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