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What New York Healthcare Workers Say About Coronavirus Vaccination Mandate | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

smoke indoors is one of themain causes infires.we will stay tuned.that the mandate enters into forcevaccination for employeesfrom New York.many are preferring to leaveHow services affectthe patients?Gary Merson responds from aLet’s go hospital.Gary: Good afternoon, Adriana.until recently, about 8,500health workers, almostarriving 9000 in the city nothey had received ice creams and from theirvaccine.argue religious motives,other medical issues.They had given until the27 of this month.patients who come to thesehospitals and what to expectgive more time of the account, orthat they do not find that thepay attention, the sequences to thefinal.it is also ininstitutions such ascaregivers, etc.a health workerconfirm us feel among othersprofessionals of its kind andit’s bad as a fightfair, like the lock that>> I’ve heard from people.audio >> I think you shouldhave the option to decide whetheryou can get vaccinated orno.I think in the end we willhaving to vaccinate.factor: the employee says thateven if this blockage comes, thatwhat it does is delay.because when there is a mandatefederal, state or thecity, in the end it will always come.you have to take the qua acesooner or later.What does this blockage consist of?

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