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What moves people in Offenbach

  • fromJonas Nonnenmann


The SPD asked people in Offenbach which topics are particularly important for the city. An overview of the answers.

Which topics are important for the future of Offenbach and what should the money from possible economic stimulus programs of the state and federal government be spent on? The Offenbach SPD has asked the population in recent weeks. 544 Offenbachers answered.


According to the SPD, a clear majority (388 votes) would like the city to actively promote affordable housing. However, only 154 would accept a denser and higher development (386 are against it or undecided).

209 participants are in favor of a residential area in Bieber-Waldhof that is to be built in the next few years: 134 are against, 196 have no opinion on the topic or do not want to express it.

Downtown and traffic

Only 150 of those surveyed think that the bicycle streets in Offenbach “work and motivate people to switch to bicycles”. The majority (308) think that pedestrians, bicycles and buses should be given more space. When asked whether the local public transport offer was sufficient, more participants answered yes than no.


According to the respondents, building new schools and daycare centers should be one of the focal points of possible economic stimulus packages. A clear majority agrees with the statement that equipping schools with specialists and IT infrastructure should be improved,


202 respondents think that living together in Offenbach works “on the whole quite well”. 215 are of the opinion that it works “this way, sometimes that way”, 125 are of the opinion that it doesn’t work.

According to the SPD, most of the answers were given online. In view of the local elections in March, the party wants to use them as suggestions for its election manifesto. “Many of the suggestions match our ideas, others have convinced us,” says the chairman, Christian Grünewald.

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