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What medications should you take when you have a cold?

At the slightest signs of a cold, we use all kinds of pills that are not recommended by specialists. Moreover, it is advisable to avoid some medications. Eventually, you can try those that are herbal or natural remedies.

Give up antibiotics

Do not take medication without your doctor’s advice. Also, try to give up antibiotics and cough syrups.

Allergic reactions are possible to any medicine, including antibiotics. Many of them are mild, but others can be serious and require medical attention.

Antibiotics destroy both bad and good bacteria, thus disrupting the balance of the intestinal flora. Thus, in case of a cold, it helps you get rid of infections, but it can affect your stomach as well as other organs. Also, if you eat them often, you can become immune to antibiotics.

At the same time, it is advisable to give up the nasal drops, being preferable to use paper towels, on which you can put a drop of lavender or eucalyptus oil.

Garlic fights the cold

Garlic stimulates the immune system and fights the flu and cold. From the first symptoms of the cold, cut a clove of raw garlic into several pieces and eat it.

Thyme tea with garlic is also beneficial in case of cough. The tea is prepared from a teaspoon of thyme mixed with 1 clove of garlic. Drink at least once a day and sweeten with honey.

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Black radish, a natural medicine

Radish syrup gets rid of colds. Take a black radish and dig it into the spine where the leaves grew. Make a deep cone, which is half filled with honey. Leave it overnight and drink the syrup in the morning.

Also, an infusion prepared from 50 g of chopped radish in 250 ml of boiling water can get rid of the cough. Infuse for 15 minutes, filter and drink 2 cups a day.

Cumin, for seasonal respiratory ailments

Cumin tea is also effective against colds. It is indicated in case of asthma and headache. For seasonal respiratory ailments – cold or flu, you can make an infusion obtained from a teaspoon of dried fruit in a cup of water. Drink 2-3 cups a day.

Read also Oregano, good for colds


When you suffer from the flu or a cold, it is best to rest and stay in bed.

Find out what the most dangerous combinations of drugs are HERE.

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