The case is real, one of many encountered by Martin Machala, the head of Ownest. She comes up with a solution. Together with the server, people can calculate for free how high a mortgage they can get given their income. He advises how much they will pay monthly and selects an apartment or house from the public offer that fits the proposal.
Discounted apartment for an expensive mortgage? Who cares, why not. But most have to rent
“Many people first find a property, start negotiations with the owner, and only then deal with the money. It’s wise to turn it around and first know what kind of mortgage the interested party can get,” says Martin Ponzer, director of
“The mortgage is a good servant but a bad master. It should never be so-called for blood,” confirmed the head of B&K Real Estate Investment, Vladimír Brůna.
Rents are getting more expensive, but not across the board. Chomutov, Bruntál and Karviná, on the other hand, became cheaper

People who do not deal with real estate professionally can now access the sale prices of apartments in a given location obtained from the real estate cadastre and not rely only on the claims of brokers.
The price map is available at , Ownest also works with real prices on A person enters his income and expenses, the system shows him to what extent he has a chance to get a mortgage and with which banks. At the same time, it also shows him apartments for sale, offering a comparison with the actual prices for each one. It provides an assessment of street safety according to crime statistics, noise level, possibly flood risks, traffic accessibility or reach of catchment elementary schools.
Although these data can already be found on the Internet today, people still had to search for them for a long time. Now everything is in one place.
The initial assessment of the client’s ability to repay the mortgage can be done by and Ownest in four minutes. In this way, interested parties can see in advance what kind of housing fits into their possibilities.
Are you planning to use a mortgage to purchase your own home?
No, I don’t plan to, I’m already paid.
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2023-11-26 07:16:23
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