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what it is, how to play it and how to download it on Android, iOS or Windows

We are going to talk to you about ‘Among Us’, the one who is becoming one of the fashion games despite having been available since 2018, and what is happening to ‘Fall Guys’ as one of the games of the moment. We will explain what it is, how to play it and where can you download it from on the different platforms on which it is available.

It is an online multiplayer game in which 4 to 10 people can participate, and where two of them are assigned as enemies who must kill others without the rest knowing who it is. Therefore, some have to try not to be discovered and others have to try to discover them.

What is Among Us

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Among Us is a game very similar to the classic “The Assassin” that we have ever played in cards, but taken to the world of video games. You are in a spaceship, and two impostors who are “between us”, hence the title, they have to kill the other eight crew members before they discover them.

So that, it is an online multiplayer game which can be played by 4 to 10 people. When you go online, two of them are assigned the role of impostors, and only they know that they have been selected for it. The rest will have no idea who of the participants is a normal player or an imposter.

The impostors will have to assassinate the rest of the participants without being discovered, being able to sabotage the ship to cause chaos and thus, amid the confusion, they can try to act. Meanwhile, the rest of the members of the ship have to try to win by completing all the tasks assigned to them or discovering and ejecting the impostor out of the ship to outer space before it kills them all.

How to play


The mechanics are as follows. The game begins and you are inside the ship, you can look at its map, and there are different rooms with missions that you must perform. While everything happens, imposters have to kill a crew member. When a crew member is killed and another discovers it, they report it, and then a voting phase is opened to decide who the impostor is.

Several things can happen in voting. If no one is sure, the game continues. If someone is voted an impostor, they will be ejected from the ship and killed, and the game will tell you whether or not it was the impostor, and how many are left. In either case, the game will continue and the remaining impostor or impostors will have to try to continue acting without arousing suspicion.


Imposters are free to do missions as well, and there are vents all over the map to escape through. Players can also call emergency meetings to vote without discovering a corpse.

The graphics are in two dimensions and with a very casual look. They do not seek realism but fun. The controls are extremely simple, since you only have to press on the screen to the place you want to move to. When you are next to a device you will have the options to interact with it, and when you are next to someone you will also have the option to kill them when you are the impostor.

Here, you have to remember that the imposter is assigned randomly. When you start the game, you will receive a message on your screen if you have been assigned that role, and if not, you will be a normal crew member.

The state of video games in Europe: a market of 21.6 billion euros led by consoles and mobile, according to ISFE

How to download it on mobile or PC

Among Us is available on various platforms so you can download it and start playing. In most of them it is a free game to play but with micropayments. Downloads like any other game or app, so below we leave you the available links and the price.

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