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what it is and how it is obtained

How to get the certificate

Ecological Outcome Verification, or EOV, Regenerative Beef Verification tracks three indicators on the ground that are monitored by Savory scientific instruments. Carbon, water and biodiversity are evaluated for the subsequent drafting of management reports which are compared with the desired results. More than 80 factories in this country follow this working methodology, including now the 50 producers of Las Moras.

Different reference levels are established for each ecoregion, taking into account at all times the unique characteristics, which will be preserved in every instance of the production process thanks to the benefits of regenerative farming.

The EOV evaluates soil and landscape in order to reveal biodiversity, soil health and ecosystem processes. Producers who adhere to positive measures in land regeneration can enter the Land to Market program, in order to obtain the certificate that guarantees their consumers the commitment to the environment at the source.

Globally, there is a growing trend to reduce carbon and methane emissions, promote water absorption in soils (to prevent flooding) and reverse deforestation. To achieve these objectives, the compilation and evaluation of measures in both physical and biological indicators is essential.

It is no small fact that the EOV adapts to every ecoregion of the country and the world. At the same time, it allows ample room for maneuver for producers, who are not educated on what they need to do, in fact, are advised on holistic management and equipped with the necessary tools to monitor and compare the results of the earth. .

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