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What is your holiday favorite?

DJ and choir

“I loved eating pork belly, it was so good, it was a discovery,” Marion begins, on rue Saint-Vincent, her stomach rumbling. Jade, who she met a few meters further on, fell in love with the music. “The concert behind the town hall was incredible. The DJ has been making music for thirty years and he said it was his greatest concert. There were people everywhere, it was on fire,” she enthuses.

In a musical continuity, Louis, originally from Biscarrosse, elected his best memory at the Bodeguita: “It was five minutes ago, the choir at the Bodeguita, it was incredible. They replayed “L’Egoak”, I had chills. They sang so well, better than me who no longer has a voice!”

An institution

On the Marché Friand side, Clara and Manon, two friends, have lots of memories that have piled up over these five days. “The patio of Eyrose, super nice, the VMPT and, also, the good holiday ritual: eating at Les Halles, at lunchtime, ventrèche, egg, piperade and fries”, says Clara. “And the bandas especially!” adds Manon.

But the holidays are also a time for family reunions. Marion and Mané are cousins ​​and come from a small village near Dax. They have been celebrating for over thirty years and their favourite thing to do every year is to get together with friends and family. “It’s our little ritual, we all get together. It’s important to pass it on to the children. And we need it to recharge our batteries before heading back to school,” says Mané.

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