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What is today, October 4, a holiday – everything about this day, what is a church holiday, what not to do

Today, October 4, is the Day of Veterinary Service in Ukraine. Believers honor the memory of the holy martyr Eroteus, Bishop of Aten. There are 88 days left until the New Year.

October 4, 2024 – Friday. 954th day of the war in Ukraine.

What kind of church holiday is it today?

October 4 in the church calendar – the memory day of the holy hieromartyr Eroteus, bishop of Athens. He was one of the Areopagite counselors who were converted to Christianity by the Apostle Saint Paul. He became the bishop of Athens and actively preached the Christian faith. Hierotheus was present at the burial of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Jerusalem, highlighting his important role in the early Christian community.

What can not be done on October 4

  • You should not think bad things or talk in a negative way.
  • You cannot enter the forest – you will get lost.
  • It is forbidden to let strangers into the house.

Folk signs and traditions for October 4

Among our ancestors there were many signs of interest for today:

  • look what day it is today: cloudy weather – it will be like this for a whole month;
  • strong wind – hard winter;
  • it got warmer in the evening – a lot of snow falls in winter;
  • the birch leaves turned yellow only at the top – until they are warm and early spring.

On October 4, the birch leaves turned yellow only at the top – for a warm and early spring / Photo: Unsplash

It was believed that from this day on, autumn was already returning to winter, the days became colder and cloudier. There was also an idea that goblins and all kinds of evil spirits enter the earth in the spring.

Name day: what to call a child born on October 4th

What is the name of today? Vasily, Vladimir, Dmitry, Michael, Nikolai, Paul, Peter, Stepan, Veronica.

It is a talisman of a person born on October 4 diamond. It has long been believed that the stone is able to collect the energy of the sun and give it to its owner. There is also an idea that a diamond helps to balance emotions.

He was born on this day:

  • 1892 – Ukrainian neoclassical poet Yuri Klen;
  • 1934 – Ukrainian artist and teacher Vyrodova-Gautier Valentina Gavrilovna;
  • 1977 – Olympic bronze medalist Elena Yatsenko, Ukrainian handball player.

Memorable dates October 4

Calendar of important events in Ukraine and the world for October 4:

  • 1535 – first English Bible (King James Bible) printed;
  • 1582 – Pope Gregory XIII announces a calendar reform, which aimed to eliminate errors in the calculation of dates;
  • 1675 – Dutch physicist Christiaan Huygens receives a patent for a pocket watch;
  • 1772 – at a ceremony in Lvov, Anton von Pergen, on behalf of the empresses Maria Theresa and Joseph II, officially announces the return of the Kingdom of Galicia and Vladimir to the rule of the monarch of the Kingdom of Hungary, who had the right apply to the principality Galician-Volyn – Ruskoe;
  • 1780 – after the death of their leader, members of the British navigator James Cook’s expedition returned to their homeland;
  • 1830 – as a result of the revolution in Brussels against the Dutch king Willem I, the independence of Belgium was declared;
  • 1875 – by order of the Austro-Hungarian Emperor Franz Joseph I, a university was founded in Chernivtsi (now the National University of Chernivtsi named after Yuri Fedkovich);
  • 1883 – The Orient Express departs for the first time, connecting the Ottoman Empire with Western Europe;
  • 1890 – the Russian-Ukrainian Radical Party is formed in Lvov – the first Ukrainian political party;
  • 1900 – the Lviv Opera begins its work;
  • 1910 – the royal power is destroyed in Portugal, the country is declared a democratic republic;
  • 1911 – The world’s first escalator is introduced in London;
  • 1927 – the International Social Security Association is founded in Brussels, on the initiative of the International Labor Organization;
  • 1941 – during the Second World War, German soldiers live in the city of Zaporozhye;
  • 1958 – The first transatlantic jet flight takes off from London to New York;
  • 1965 – Pope Paul VI issues a bull, which absolves the Jews of the charge of the death of Jesus Christ;
  • 2001 – British scientists isolate the genetic material of the bacterium that causes plague.

Weather on October 4

Today, October 4, in Kyiv it is cloudy, without rain. It will be cloudy in Lviv, it will rain during the day, which will intensify in the evening. White clouds in Kharkov, no rain. It is cloudy in Odessa, although the sky may be clear in the evening;

The air temperature in Kyiv is +20 during the day and +14 at night. In Lviv – +11 during the day and +10 at night. In Kharkov – +23 during the day and +12 at night. In Odessa – +22 during the day and +17 at night.

What day is it today in Ukraine and in the world?

On October 4, Ukraine celebrates the Day of Veterinary Service / Photo: pixabay.com

October 4 is celebrated in Ukraine Veterinary service day. This holiday was introduced in honor of veterinary service workers involved in sanitary and epidemiological control, as well as carrying out quarantine measures when outbreaks of diseases are detected epizootic. This day is important to emphasize the role of veterinarians in ensuring animal health and, by extension, human health, as many diseases can be transmitted from animals to humans. Veterinarians also play a key role in ensuring the safety of animal products.

Also starts October 4th World Space Week. This international holiday was declared by the UN General Assembly in 2000. The purpose of this week is to raise awareness about space exploration and how it contributes to the development of life on Earth. During World Space Week, several events will be held, such as lectures, exhibitions, educational programs and other activities aimed at popularizing science and technology among young people. This is also a great opportunity for scientists and researchers to share their achievements and plans for the future.

And also October 4th World Animal Day. This international holiday was established in 1931 at the International Congress of the Nature Movement in Florence. The purpose of this day is to draw attention to animal rights and animal welfare. On this day, various events are held to raise awareness of the importance of animal welfare, including educational programs, events and initiatives to support animals. This is also a great opportunity for people to come together in caring for wildlife and contributing to biodiversity conservation.

October 4th is celebrated World Smile Day. Falling annually on the first Friday of October. The idea for this day came from artist Harvey Ball, who created the famous yellow smiley face in 1963. World Smile Day aims to spread kindness and favor through the simple act of smiling. On this day, people are encouraged to do good deeds and make others smile.

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#today #October #holiday #day #church #holiday
2024-10-04 07:14:06

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