Today, August 17, is International Black Cat Day. Believers honor the memory of the holy martyr Myron. There are 136 days left until the New Year.
August 17, 2024 – Saturday. 906th day of the war in Ukraine.
What kind of church holiday is it today?
August 17 in the church calendar – the day of memory of the holy martyr Myron. He suffered in 250 under the emperor Decius. Myron was famous for his kindness and mercy to people, but also for his courage in protecting his believers. One day, during the celebration of the Nativity of Christ, the local ruler Antipater entered the temple with soldiers to arrest the worshippers. St. Myron stood earnestly for his flock, revealing a cruel ruler. For this he was under severe pain: his body was planed with iron combs and thrown into a red-hot furnace, but the Lord preserved him.
When the governor asked him to move to the idol, Myron firmly refused. Then his skin was cut with belts, but even after that he remained invincible. Finally, Saint Myron was taken to the city of Kyzyk, where his head was cut off with a sword.
What not to do on August 17
- You should not quarrel, especially with loved ones.
- You can’t make horses work.
- It is forbidden to insult animals.
Folk signs and traditions for August 17
Among our ancestors there were many signs of interest for today:
- look at what day it is: if it’s fine and clear, expect bad weather;
- a very hot day – it rains a lot in September;
- clouds are floating low – heavy rains will start soon;
- wormwood has a thick root – next year’s harvest will be poor.
On August 17, wormwood has a thick root – next year will be thin / Photo:
In earlier times there was today. From this time, the first small frosts in the morning also started.
Name day: what to call a child born on August 17
What is the name of today? Alexei, Dmitry, Ilya, Miron, Pavel, Ulyana.
It is a talisman of a person born on August 17 gagat. This stone has long been used as a powerful protection against evil spirits. Jet also helps to get rid of insomnia.
He was born on this day:
- 1612 – Prince Luben and Vishnev, Russian orator Yarem Vishnevetsky;
- 1955 – Ukrainian military-political figure, leader of the party Strength and Honor Igor Smeshko;
- 1968 – TV presenter, lead singer of the group Scriabin Andrei Kuzmenko.
Memorable dates August 17
Calendar of important events in Ukraine and the world for August 17:
- 1245 – in a battle near the Galician city of Yaroslav, Daniil Romanovich breaks the Hungarian army and stops the boyar resistance in the Galician-Volyn principality;
- 1502 – Christopher Columbus claims Honduras as Spanish territory;
- 1771 – British chemist Joseph Priestley discovers that plants produce oxygen;
- 1908 – the first animated film “Phantasmagoria” by the French cartoonist Emile Cohl was published;
- 1916 – The Kingdom of Romania joins the Entente during World War I;
- 1918 – Hetman Pavlo Skoropadsky establishes an 8-hour workday in the Ukrainian State;
- 1940 – Adolf Hitler announces total blockade of Britain;
- [1945-Indonesiaa’foillseachadhneo-eisimeileachdbhonÒlaind;
- 1946 – toiseach a’ chogaidh shìobhalta ann an Rìoghachd na Grèige;
- 1953 – A’ chiad choinneamh de Narcotics Anonymous ann an California a Deas;
- 1960 – Gabon a’ foillseachadh neo-eisimeileachd bhon Fhraing;
- 1982 – Bidh Royal Philips Electronics (PHG) a ‘cruthachadh a’ chiad diosc cruaidh;
- 1999 – bratach sgìre Donetsk air aontachadh;
- 2009 – Tha Wikipedia Beurla a ‘dol thairis air a’ chomharra artaigil 3 millean;
- 2011 – an saideal Ucràineach Sich-2 air a chuir air bhog gu orbit ìosal na Talmhainn.
Aimsir air 17 Lùnastal
An-diugh, 17 Lùnastal, ann an Kyiv bidh e sgòthach le fuadaichean, tha uisge aotrom comasach. Ann an Lviv tha e soilleir, gun sileadh. Ann an Kharkov bidh e sgòthach le fuadaichean, tha uisge aotrom comasach tron latha. Ann an Odessa tha e soilleir, gun sileadh.
Is e teòthachd an adhair ann an Kyiv +26 tron latha agus +19 air an oidhche. Ann an Lviv – +22 tron latha agus +18 air an oidhche. Ann Kharkov – +30 tron latha agus +18 air an oidhche. Ann an Odessa – +30 tron latha agus +21 air an oidhche.
Dè an latha a th’ ann an-diugh san Úcráin agus san t-saoghal?
On August 17, Ukraine and the world celebrate International Black Cat Day / Photo: Unsplash
August 17 is celebrated in Ukraine and in the world International Black Cat Day. This celebration was started in 2011 by Cats Protection to eliminate stereotypes and prejudices around black cats. Black cats were often associated with bad luck and black magic, especially in medieval Europe. However, in some cultures, such as Ancient Egypt, black cats were considered a symbol of good luck and protection.
Also on August 17th World Honey Bee Day. This celebration was started to raise awareness of the importance of honey bees and their contribution to agriculture and ecosystems. Honeybees are key pollinators of many plants that support food security and biodiversity. The day is also a reminder of the threats bees face, such as pesticides, climate change and habitat loss. It is important to support measures that protect bees and their habitats to ensure their survival and health.
And also on August 17 International Geocaching Day. It falls on the third Saturday of August every year. Geocaching is a walking game that uses GPS to find caches created by other participants. Players can play alone or in groups, searching for caches based on the geographic coordinates provided. This day aims to promote geocaching as an outdoor activity that combines physical activity with educational elements. The game is often played in places with natural, historical, geographical and cultural significance, making it not only entertaining, but also educational.
August 17th World Homeless Animals Day. Falls on the third Saturday in August. This day was started in 1992 by the International Society for Animal Rights (ISAR) to draw attention to the problem of stray animals. The purpose of this day is to raise awareness of the problems facing homeless animals and to encourage responsible pet ownership. According to statistics, 75% of homeless animals have been abandoned by their owners. This day also aims to support animal protection organizations and animal shelters.
2024-08-17 04:09:22
#today #August #holiday #day #church #holiday