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What is the weather forecast for this Saturday, November 6 and Sunday, November 7 in New York | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

our liliana ayende andfull weather report.virtual, as you said.liliana: of course, we have everythingto wear our jacket andcoats, but before going toweather conditions I wantremind you that today 5 ofNovember is the world day ofthe awareness oftsunamis.if you want more information foryou and your family canuse the un label,which is tsunami day.low humidity. a verynice in our area. trust,but beautiful conditions.the warning, this has been thesame story for the pastfreeze warninguntil 9:00 in the morning.especially coastal areasShe is very trustworthy tonight andalso early tomorrow.behind this pure systemwe wake up frozen morningsfrom 38 to 39 and Sunday is thatwe think there will be an increase intemperatures and we can nowstart to notice 60 to 62.if all these were gonein his house watching televisionand univisón, next weekmake plans.

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