we can leave the umbrella to aside and remove the blocker andhand fan?I have it ready forweather conditions.Rafael: fan, airconditioning or whatwe need.also be nights forwill come out insultingterms. after thestorm that still hasremnants in our area,let’s give a little rain.our partner gary mersonhe told us how were theconditions in that coveragewhat are we giving toyou guys.at the end of long island,partner romy cabral wasdoing our ordinarywork on the output ofGovernor Cuomo.there is rain to the east.many want to know laterof this historical accumulationwhich gave even those of 2inches, the rainiest hourIt was Saturday nightalmost nine inches recordedin locations in manhattan.we could talk about a wave ofheat, after henry,who already knows the degree, would dothis very great maneuver, whichwill arrive as category onenear our area, entered withleaving a little rain.we have a spectacular nightwith 79.humidity, a little more humidityfor tonight.be pleasant and with that heatthat we will be monitoring.80 and we jump to 90.we could be talking about 90from Tuesday to Friday.the four of us were flirting withof a heat, basicallysaying goodbye this August.July was one of the mostalidos in the year and asalido that has been registeredand elarea triestatal.we go down with that dream come downof temperatures by the end ofweek. the storm is leaving, leavea lot of rain and accumulation insome areas, even severe.