factor: sets the perliliana allende so thattell us about theweather conditions.What activities could we do?liliana: we could walk, thetemperatures are beautiful.there are people who stay insideof the house, it’s good to breathea little air, above allearly morning. in the afternoon alreadyinstability begins. thefirst part of tomorrow isfree. we experiencetemperatures in 59 andwinds completely calm.everything changes in 48 hours. oncertain areas of the areametropolitan at 42, tomorrowwe will have partial sun. we are going tolose until 8th tomorrow, nowwe began to see the descent, todespite requiring fromwe return on Friday tovery rich temperatures inour area. the temperaturesdescend to 39 car tomorrowwe are going to have a partial sunwith 59 as the maximum. on Fridaywe will have nut stormsour area.we are monitoring the rainthat is on the way for himFriday. at 9:00 at nightThursday in yesa lainstability . Friday of10:00 in the morning to 2:00 in theafternoon, strong storms andelectrical storms couldpass through our area.remember to close doors andwindows, avoid draftsair.stay away from the windows,About us. secureitems in the exprior because