the best.we are going to return to you now,lili and more with the conditionsweather.many greetings from aá.we have temperature changes.October experienced from three to6 degrees average.autumn will start to arriveand we are going to notice that changeduring this week.temperatures from 58 to much of our areawe have a embaró, let’s continuethat temperature drop was goingafter day.from tomorrow at leastuntil friday we go week we go inFriday will be a dayunstable and he was going to wire.tomorrow a lot of cloudiness. fromearly hours of the daywe could see some drizzle,but much of the daylost.we have dry conditions fortonight that mass arrivesdescent not only for newyork but for the whole areatriestatal.tomorrow remember, umbrella inthe afternoon. after 7:00the night clears forleave us a beautiful day, week from 52 to almost60 degrees.we take advantage of the coats thisweek and then the weekendnext week is comingwe will enjoy temperatures