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what is the weather forecast for Paris, Lyon, Bordeaux? The map and live info

HEAT WAVE. The weekend promises to be very hot in France, especially in a large southern half where temperatures between 30 and 37 degrees are expected. Which departments are concerned by the heat wave vigilance launched by Météo-France? Find all the information, the right things to do and the forecast map.

The essential

  • This Wednesday, July 13, seven departments are still placed in heat wave orange vigilance and 27 in yellow vigilance by Météo France (i.e. three more than Tuesday), leading to a series of measures, to be found in our file on the heat wave plan.
  • After a very hot first half of the week everywhere in France, the North of the country will experience a little respite at the end of the week with a small drop in temperatures, while it will still be very hot in the large southern half of France. .
  • However, the heat wave promises to be lasting and strong heat is still expected on Monday July 18 and Tuesday July 19 throughout the territory, or even Wednesday July 20 in the East.
  • Peaks of up to 40 degrees are expected in the Southwest through Monday July 18.

And immediately


20:52 – To follow the latest information on forest fires in Gironde

If you want the latest information on the forest fires raging in Gironde, you can follow our live dedicated to them by clicking on this link.

20:25 – Who are the most vulnerable people during heat waves?

Some people are more prone to dehydration. This is the case of the elderly, infants, pregnant women, people working outdoors, precarious people, the homeless, the disabled, people suffering from chronic illnesses or taking certain treatments, isolated people. Take care of yourself and stay hydrated regularly. If you have fragile or vulnerable people around you, consider checking in on them regularly.

8:03 p.m. – What are the forecasts from Météo France for the next few days?

On its Twitter account, Météo France has published an animation to show the forecasts for the evolution of the heat wave in Europe. Thus, it is easy to observe that the North will be relatively spared from Thursday to Saturday. On the other hand, the South will always be under the yoke of high temperatures

19:39 – Will the heat wave continue for a long time?

The Weather Channel is categorical: “The current heat wave promises to be exceptional in its duration.” Thus, if we are going to observe a drop in temperature in the North of France during the next three days, we must expect a rise in temperature from Sunday and at the beginning of next week. In addition, the thermometer should show temperatures even higher than those observed this week…

7:11 p.m. – What were the maximum temperatures observed on Wednesday?

This Wednesday, July 13, 2022, high temperatures hit France. At 5 p.m., La Chaîne Météo reported 37.6°C in Angers, 36.8°C in Nantes, 35.9°C in Bordeaux and 35.8°C in Paris.

6:45 p.m. – Between Sunday and Monday, the highest temperatures will be in the Southwest

The South-West of France will continue to suffer from the high heat between now and next week. While the peak of heat is expected for Monday, Météo France indicates on Twitter that “the axis of the highest temperatures will extend from the Pyrenees to the Pays de la Loire between Sunday and Monday, with night temperatures which will not go down again in -below 20 to 25°C and daytime temperatures can exceed 40°C in many places, and locally 42°C”.

6:25 p.m. – This is the 45th heat wave that France is experiencing

Météo France indicated that “France has entered [mardi 12 juillet 2022] in its 45th heat wave”. They have been listed since 1947. According to franceinfo, in 16 years, there have been more heat waves than in the previous sixty years.

18:14 – How does this heat wave form?

France will find itself in a sort of dome over the next few days, a phenomenon that meteorologists call “heat dome”. “These high-altitude air masses compress the underlying layers and lead to a gradual warming of the latter, explains Matthieu Sorel, climatologist at Météo-France, interviewed by Sciences et Avenir this week. The phenomenon, described as heat dome, accumulates heat vertically day after day, resulting in scorching temperatures.”

18:06 – What are the signs that should alert you to dehydration?

During a heat wave, staying well hydrated is the priority. Here are the signs to look out for during the heat wave to avoid dehydration:

  • Fever ;
  • Headaches ;
  • Extreme tiredness;
  • Thirst ;
  • Dry lips;
  • Sudden weight loss;
  • Nausea;
  • Vomiting;
  • Dizziness;
  • Pulse accelerating.
  • If you experience any of these symptoms, get cool, drink, and rest. If it doesn’t go, go to the doctor.

5:59 p.m. – When is the heat peak?

If going out at midday seems incongruous in the event of a heat wave, we tend to underestimate the real time of the heat peak by going out at the end of the afternoon. “In town, it is at the end of the day around 6 p.m., due to pollution, that the temperature is highest, not at noon”, recalls Sébastian Marciano, emergency doctor interviewed by the Le Parisien newspaper this Wednesday.



What is the weather forecast for this week in France?


The first week of the school holidays is summer in France with temperatures which rose crescendo until Wednesday July 13, 2022. The North of the country will experience a few days of respite tomorrow with a small drop in temperatures. 30 degrees are expected in Paris, 39 in Rennes, 25 in Lille. But the next weekend of July 16 and 17 promises to be very hot in the South with highs that can climb up to 37 degrees in the South West or in the Rhône valley. Adopt the right gestures from the first heat, and follow the recommendations.

Météo France has just published its new heatwave vigilance map. Are you concerned?

When will the heatwave end?

It is still difficult to define an end date for the coming heat wave, the forecasts being refined day by day. For the moment, Météo France announces a scorching weekend in a large part of the south, and Monday is likely to be very hot almost everywhere in France. Temperatures should then gradually drop, even if they will still be high on Tuesday 19 and Wednesday 20 in the East before dropping a little. This heat wave therefore promises to be intense and long-lasting.

Heat wave: what are the forecasts for Paris?

The mercury will gradually rise, and you will be hot in the days to come in Paris and Ile-de-France. Here is the forecast from Meteo France:

  • Wednesday July 13: afternoon: 35 degrees / night: 24 degrees
  • Thursday July 14: morning: 24 degrees / afternoon: 30 degrees / night: 19 degrees
  • Friday July 15: morning: 18 degrees / afternoon: 27 degrees / night: 20 degrees
  • Weekend of July 16 and 17: the mercury will gradually rise to reach 30 degrees on Saturday and 32 degrees on Sunday.

Heat wave: what is the weather forecast for Lyon?

  • Wednesday July 13: afternoon: 33 degrees / night: 22 degrees
  • Thursday July 14: morning: 25 degrees / afternoon: 36 to 38 degrees / night: 24 degrees
  • Friday July 15: morning: 24 degrees / afternoon: 33 to 34 degrees / night: 25 degrees
  • Weekend of July 16 and 17: 33 degrees are expected on Saturday and 34 maximum on Sunday July 17.

Heat wave: what is the weather forecast for Bordeaux?

  • Wednesday July 13: afternoon: 35 degrees / night: 23 degrees
  • Thursday July 14: morning: 25 degrees / afternoon: 35 to 37 degrees / night: 23 degrees
  • Friday July 15: 22 degrees / afternoon: 33 to 36 degrees / night: 24 degrees
  • Weekend of July 16 and 17: 37 degrees are expected on Saturday and maximum peaks of 39 on Sunday July 17.

Heat wave: what is the weather forecast for Toulouse?

  • Wednesday July 13: afternoon: 35 to 37 degrees / night: 23 degrees
  • Thursday July 14: morning: 25 degrees / afternoon: 35 to 38 degrees / night: 25 degrees
  • Friday July 15: morning: 23 degrees / afternoon: 35 to 37 degrees / night: 25 degrees
  • Weekend of July 16 and 17: 38 degrees are expected on Saturday and maximum peaks of 40 on Sunday July 17.

Heat wave: what is the weather forecast for Marseille?

  • Wednesday July 13: afternoon: 30 degrees / night: 21 degrees
  • Thursday July 14: morning: 26 degrees / afternoon: 29 to 31 degrees / night: 21 degrees
  • Friday July 15: morning: 25 degrees / afternoon: 33 to 34 degrees / night: 24 degrees
  • Weekend of July 16 and 17: the maximum temperatures expected are between 30 and 33 degrees.

Heat wave: what is the weather forecast for Nantes?

  • Wednesday July 13: afternoon: 35 to 38 degrees / night: 21 degrees
  • Thursday July 14: morning: 23 degrees / afternoon: 32 degrees / night: 19 degrees
  • Friday July 15: morning: 19 degrees / afternoon: 29 to 32 degrees / night: 21 degrees
  • Weekend of July 16 and 17: the maximum forecast is 33 on Saturday and 36 on Sunday at the hottest of the day.

Heat wave, heat peak, heat wave and heat dome: what are the differences?

Heat wave and heat wave are two different things. To speak of a heat wave, temperatures must be 5 degrees higher than normal for the season, day and night, and this for at least 3 days and 3 nights. The heat wave temperature threshold therefore differs according to the departments and regions. Heat waves most often occur in France in July and August. We must be vigilant from the month of June. High temperatures, even above seasonal norms, do not necessarily mean a heat wave. most often these are heat waves.

The term heat peak is more to be used during a sudden rise in temperature, whereas a heat wave corresponds to a longer episode. Météo France judges that a heat wave is in progress when temperatures above the monthly average are detected by more than three degrees Celsius, for at least three days.
Last term often mentioned these days when talking about these scorching temperatures, that of a heat dome. A heat dome settled over almost the entire country this May 2022. This meteorological phenomenon is explained by a large mass of hot air from Morocco and Spain, trapped by atmospheric pressure. This usually occurs in summer, but also in spring. This results in scorching heat.

You should know that Météo-France provides several levels of heat wave vigilance: level 1 (green) corresponds to a “seasonal watch”, level 2 (yellow) to a “heat warning” and it is level 3 (orange) which corresponds to the “heat wave alert”. Finally level 4 (red), the highest, determines “maximum mobilization”. In summer, it is not uncommon for several departments to be placed on orange or red alert for the heat wave.

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