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What is the virus detected in Latin America and what are the symptoms for which there is no vaccine?

The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) has recently reported an increase in imported cases of the Oropouche virus in Spain.

Between June and July 2024, 12 cases have been recorded in this country, all related to travel to Cuba or Brazil. In total, during these two months, 19 cases have been reported for the first time in countries of the European Union: 12 in Spain, 5 in Italy and 2 in Germany. Of these cases, eighteen were linked to travel to Cuba and one to Brazil.

In light of this situation, ECDC has recommended that people travelling to areas where the Oropouche virus is endemic take precautions, although the overall risk is not considered high, to prevent the emergence of new cases and protect public health.

Oropouche virus. Source: Pixabay

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According to the Pan American Health Organization, Oropouche (OROV) is an arbovirus that belongs to the Peribunyaviridae family.

This virus was first detected in 1955 near the Oropouche River in Trinidad and has been responsible for several outbreaks in Brazil towards the end of the last century.

In 2024, more than 7,700 cases of OROV have been recorded in five countries in the Americas: Brazil, with 6,976 cases reported by mid-2024, as well as Bolivia, Peru, Cuba and Colombia.

Oropouche is transmitted primarily through the bite of an insect known as the midge (Culicoides paraensis). The mosquito Culex quinquefasciatus has also been observed to be involved in transmission. The disease is spread between people by these vectors.

Oropouche is diagnosed through specialized laboratory tests. However, there is currently no rapid test available for its detection.

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According to the same source, Oropouche (OROV) presents a series of symptoms that manifest abruptly. These include high fever, intense headache, joint stiffness, as well as generalized aches and pains. In certain cases, those affected may experience photophobia, diplopia (double vision), nausea and persistent vomiting. The duration of these symptoms usually varies between five and seven days.

In exceptional situations, severe forms of the disease, such as aseptic meningitis, may arise.

Body fever is one of the symptoms of Oropouche virus Photo: Pixabay

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When symptoms associated with the virus appear, it is essential to consult a health professional to receive appropriate guidance, perform diagnostic tests and obtain the necessary medical care. The intervention of a specialist is crucial for the effective management of symptoms and to monitor the progression of the disease.

Since the clinical manifestations of Oropouche may resemble those of other viral diseases such as dengue and other arboviruses, it is essential that health professionals perform a differential diagnosis.

According to PAHO, there is currently no specific treatment or vaccine for Oropouche. In addition to rest and hydration, treatment of symptoms may include medications to reduce fever and pain.

– With information from EFE

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