Home » Technology » What is the total volume of pre-installed Microsoft applications in Windows 11?You can also calculate with the PowerShell script | T Kebang

What is the total volume of pre-installed Microsoft applications in Windows 11?You can also calculate with the PowerShell script | T Kebang

Like most operating systems, Microsoft also provides a number of pre-installed Microsoft applications for Windows 10/11 systems. Although some applications are very useful for some users, users who don’t use them think that they are useless programs that take up space.

If you’re one of the latter, you might be wondering how much hard drive space these pre-installed apps take up? Now,A new report from Oofhoursreveals the answer to this question.

Using the power provided by PowerShell, this website was able to calculate the size ratio of the preloaded Windows 11 app, which you can see in the image below. The apps are sorted by size from largest to smallest, meaning that Microsoft Teams is the largest of all, apparently consuming 91MB.

What is the total volume of pre-installed Microsoft applications in Windows 11?With a PowerShell script you can also calculate

What is the total volume of pre-installed Microsoft applications in Windows 11?With a PowerShell script you can also calculate

However, since some of the apps listed, such as apps purchased from the Microsoft Store, only take up 11kB of space, we did some more research. I found that it has two separate folders, the total size of the app is actually around 37MB as you can see in the “Sum” section of the image below. This is an almost 3500x increase over the 11kB size.

In the end, all of the default Windows 11 apps were calculated and the combined size of all apps was around 1.6GB.

While this isn’t much room for those who use the default Windows 11 apps, for others who rarely or never use these apps, people may want to get rid of them.

If you want to calculate the size of the preloaded app yourself, they also provide a powershell script as follows:

What is the total volume of pre-installed Microsoft applications in Windows 11?With a PowerShell script you can also calculate

Or you can download them directlyZIP file prepared

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