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What is the state of the Internet in France? The “guardian of the networks” responds in detail

In 2019, Arcep worked on many subjects on all aspects of the Internet, whether on the fixed and mobile client side, or operators (with interconnection among others). A long summary of a hundred pages has been put online, here is what you need to remember.

Arcep has just published its fourth report on the state of the Internet in France. Several general points are addressed: ” quality of service, data interconnection, transition to IPv6, net neutrality, opening of terminals and role of platforms ».

Its purpose is to ensure ” that the Internet continues to develop as a common good where the user is the arbiter of last resort ” This document makes it possible to have a global vision, the actions carried out by the regulator and the tracks that he is exploring… and there are many.

Despite the health crisis, “no major congestion”

If the report covers the year 2019, the regulator cannot help but start by looking back at the start of 2020, with the global health crisis and the confinement of a large part of the population, leading to an increase about 30% of traffic. He thus offers us ” a summary of his observations to date and the first lessons learned from this period ».

First observation: ” During the crisis, saturation appeared at the level of many content providers, disrupting access to several services (videoconferencing services, e-learning, etc.). Very local tensions over mobile Internet access have also been observed from time to time ».

But overall, ” the networks in France did not experience any major congestion during the confinement period linked to Covid-19 between March and May 2020 ” We came to the same conclusion: the networks generally held up well, even if some service providers could not keep up.

This was particularly visible in National Education, with the ENTs to subscribers absent during the first days (or even weeks for some). There is also the Disney + case, which we have already explained.

Now that the little digression is over, it’s time to get to the heart of the matter.

The importance of measuring service quality

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