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What is the Safe Daily Date Consumption Limit?

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

Kurma become one of the mandatory menus during the month Ramadan. Dates are sure to be in almost every house to accompany the breaking time.

This dried fruit has a sweet taste that is quite delicious. Understandably, the sugar content in this fruit is fairly high.

A clinical nutritionist at Borromeus Hospital, Bandung, Johanes Chandrawinata said that the sugar content in dates is indeed dominant. Two rather large dates contain 37 grams of sugar.

“It’s good [kurma] consumed for people who are breaking their fast, this can meet the sugar needs that are reduced or lost after holding thirst and hunger for a full day,” said Johanes when contacted CNNIndonesia.comThursday (31/3).

However, Johanes said, because of the high sugar content, it is best not to consume dates excessively. Three dates in one day is enough. Also don’t mix dates with other seminal drinks like syrup or milk tea.

“Three grains when fasting, that’s enough. Remember that eating dates is balanced with drinking water only when breaking the fast, no need to use other sweet drinks, just plain water,” he said.

Illustration. Limit consumption of dates per day is three pieces. (CNN Indonesia/Andry Novelino)-

Johanes also said that apart from sugar, dates also contain lots of carbohydrates. For two large grains of carbohydrates contained in it as much as 31 grams.

“For calories, there are about 110 calories, and it also contains 1 gram of protein. It has zero fat, so it’s mostly carbs. In addition, it also contains 3 grams of dietary fiber. But the dominant one is 37 grams of sugar,” he said.

In addition, said Johanes, dates also contain lots of electrolytes such as magnesium, calcium, iron, and potassium. The dietary fiber contained in it is also good for digestion.

So, if you eat dates when breaking your fast, in addition to restoring the body’s sugar needs, it can also facilitate defecation.

“If you are fasting, maysometimes difficult CHAPTER wellconstipation, nahcan be helped with dates,” said Johanes.


[Gambas:Video CNN]

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