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What is the relationship of the French to work? | Comarketing-News

What are the new expectations of working people vis-à-vis employers? How can companies looking for new talent increase their attractiveness?

Under the direction of sociologist Arnaud Zegierman, theinstitute Viavoice led for We Are COM an exclusive study on the relationship to work by surveying 1,000 French workers.

Back to the six main lessons of this survey…

#1 The French are very attached to their work

The majority of French workers believe that their work is an important part of who they are (65%).

Among those under 30, this figure even reaches 74%. The proof is: only 36% of French people would stop working if they didn’t need the money.

Indeed, most workers would continue to work (60%) and even keep their current job (41%).

However, only 15% would continue under the same conditions, without a reduction in working time.

The survey shows that the French perceive work as a vector of social ties.

Also, the salary is one of the main sources of motivation at work (20%), but not the only one.

The French also want to work for pleasure (20%), the feeling of contributing something to society (16%) or conviviality and recognition (9%).

Having an important and decision-making position is at the bottom of the ranking (3%) in terms of motivation. Managerial positions are not sought after.

#2 The French are satisfied with their work

The study reveals that the French are satisfied (74%) and happy (68%) in their work.

However, this satisfaction curve drops with advancing age: those under 30 say they are satisfied at 81%, compared to only 70% among those over 55.

Finally, the feeling of happiness at work is relatively high in France. However, this figure should not be confined to the work itself, without taking human relations into account.

Thus, at the level of sources of satisfaction, it is first the good relationship with his colleagues which takes precedence (81%), closely followed by the criterion of interest (75%), commuting time (73%) and finally the balance between personal life and professional life (70%).

It is interesting to note that the social bond through work is essential.

The study also highlights the factors of dissatisfaction of the French.

Half of the population say they are dissatisfied with their remuneration (50%), while the other half say they are more dissatisfied with the lack of career development prospects in their current company (49%).

#3 The French are looking for time

The main challenge for the French is time managementaccording to this study by Viavoice for We Are COM.

A quarter of working people believe that it is difficult to free up time.

They want to be able to devote more time to their activities and hobbies (8%), to their family life (6%) or to be able to free up time in their agenda for medical and administrative appointments (4%).

Still in this issue of time, the second challenge for the French concerns time constraints (6%).

So, is it expected that companies adapt to the personal obligations of employees ?

Yes for the majority of working people when employees take on the role of caregiver (43%) or have sick children (43%).

Nevertheless, with regard to the constraints linked to personal projects, daily transport or the organization of children, 1 in 2 French workers believes that employees must adapt to minimize the impact of these on the business.

It should be noted that this data is nuanced in the Île-de-France region in a context of deterioration in public transport.

#4 The French are vulnerable but confident at work

More than half of French working people have already been victims of stigma or discrimination at work (56%), particularly about their age (39%), their level of education (26%) and their gender (19%).

Thus the study shows that the French feel vulnerable at work, while being confident about the sustainability of their jobs.

Even if 25% of French people fear losing their job, 68% believe that this risk is low.

Moreover, the majority of French people think that, if necessary, they would easily find a new equivalent job (53%).

However, this confidence is drastically reduced according to age, since 78% of respondents under 30 think they can change jobs easily, while only 32% of those aged 55 and over are confident.

This last data sheds light on the current pension reform project.

#5 The French are loyal to their work

For 34% of working people, seniority represents an asset (while 18% perceive it as a weakness), and for 62% it is even a wish.

At a time when companies are struggling to retain their talents, the majority of French people would like to evolve within the same company.

The sources of motivation for this professional loyalty are extremely varied. In the first place, it is the benefits offered by a company that encourage employees to stay (52%).

Among these advantages, the salary (47%) largely outweighs the prospects for development (8%).

Next come the setting and the atmosphere (24%), the sense of work (15%) and hierarchical recognition (10%).

These figures show that above all, employees need compensation commensurate with their experience and the investment they provide.

They also want to evolve in a pleasant setting (24%), with a good atmosphere (23%). Clearly, it is the pleasant living conditions offered by companies that most generate the loyalty of talent.

#6 The French are looking for values

86% of French people believe that it is important to have a professional life in accordance with one’s values.

Or only 3 out of 10 employees say they feel aligned with the values ​​put forward by their company.

This figure varies greatly according to socio-professional categories.

Thanks to this study, we observe that 70% of executives consider themselves in tune with the values ​​of their company, against only 59% of workers.

Also a real work of internal communication remains to be carried out on the values ​​of the companies, since 34% of working people believe that the values ​​displayed by their company are not put into practice. This can be explained by a lack of information

(1) Survey by the Viavoice Institute for Club We Are COM, an accelerator for communication professionals, conducted online from January 23 to 30, 2023 with a sample of 1,000 people, representative of the French working population aged 16 and over.

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