Home » World » What is the plural of the word Hossam?.. A question that raises controversy in Egypt, and a teacher reveals the correct answer

What is the plural of the word Hossam?.. A question that raises controversy in Egypt, and a teacher reveals the correct answer

Al-Marsad Newspaper: A question about collecting Hossam’s word in the Arabic language exam for first-year secondary students sparked widespread controversy in Egypt between students and parents, considering it an incapacitating question.

For his part, Atef Abdel Nabi, one of the Arabic language instructors in Mansoura, said that the question is included in the teaching curriculum and in the Question Bank. According to “Cairo 24”.

He added that the plural of Hussam is Ahsama on the weight of his actions, and that the word Hussam means sword.

He pointed out that the meaning differs according to the context of the sentence, and sometimes the plural is Hossam by breaking the H.

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