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What is the place on Earth struck by “perpetual lightning”?

Alfredo Grace Meteorite Portugal 5 minutes
perpetual ray Catatumbo Venezuela
It is in Venezuela that the almost incessant flash of the Catatumbo takes place.

Lightning is essentially the luminous apparition that accompanies the radius. It is the lightning that illuminates the thundercloud, when a strong electric discharge occurs inside. In a storm, lightning always occurs before thunder because the speed of light is greater than the speed of sound in air.

But, returning to the topic that gave rise to this article: after all, where is the famous and admired perpetual lightning?

Various references to this phenomenon

There’s a place on the planet where stormy electrical activity is virtually non-stopso it’s abnormal. Lightning and lightning persist in this area of ​​​​the globe almost continuouslywhich causes this atmospheric phenomenon to cause so much fear as charm.

Said stormy place is in the vicinity of the Lake Maracaibo, Venezuelain a vast marshy area located to the south and west of the said lake, crossed by the catatumbo river.

In his opinion book “Know Meteorology – Illustrated Dictionary of Weather and Climate” from José Miguel Viñasthe oldest references to this unusual phenomenon belong the indigenous tribes that inhabit this region, the Wari. They identify this phenomenon as a concentration of millions of fireflies who gather every night to pay homage to the fathers of creation. It’s with the author Felix Lope de Vega which appears another reference to the perpetual lightning, which he reveres through his epic poem In Dragonthea (1597).

Finally the first scientific description of this fascinating atmospheric phenomenon was elaborated by naturalist, botanist and geographer Alexander Von Humboldt. This scientist refers to the phenomenon as “electrical explosions that are like phosphorescent flashes”.

What causes perpetual lightning?

IS unusual electrical activity It seems to be caused by two things. First, effect of local orographyresponsible for channeling and transport the moist sea air towards the area in question, reaching Lake Maracaibo pushed by the trade winds. The second is speculated to be caused by the role played by the methane that proliferates in the marshes Where do these storms occur?

All of this translates into a light that illuminates the night in a vast region visible from several hundred kilometers away, which allowed, in the days of sailing ships, night navigation in the waters of maracaibo.


This peculiar meteorological phenomenon, which has at least two different names “Lightning of Catatumbo” yes “Maracaibo Lighthouse”is undoubtedly that of the largest storm activity on the entire planet Earth. In addition to the number of days a year with thunderstorms (about 160), the 50 electric shocks per minute which, on average, occur in each episode (each of which lasts between 7 and 10 hours).

In this way, in addition to the fact that the sky lights up throughout the night, the amount of ozone generated is gigantic… about 10% of what is produced worldwide!

In recent years the phenomenon has decreased, why?

However, in recent years long periods of time have been noted where perpetual lightning has all but dissipated. It is believed that it is related to the occurrence of several severe droughts in this sector, with the consequent marsh degradation due to lack of water.

This means that the the transport of ozone in the atmosphere has decreasedwith worldwide impact, given the huge production of this gas related -exclusively- with perpetual lightning.

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