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What is the new safety plan announced for New York public schools? Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

severe weather conditionswill matter the state tonightand during the next few days.seizure shootingsarms of the schools, the cityfrom new york reports that there is3,200 agents assigned to1400 schools, but it is notbecause they announced a newsecurity plan.mariela salgado informs thatconsists.mariela: a glass of sugar andan ice cream.is a stark contrast to theimage of armed cops whonow you will have to watch thedeparture and arrival of students bythe violence and the weapons thatThey are infiltrating theschools.where you arrive with protection.participation of parents,the community and officials.let them stop playing, therewhere the weapons come from.mariela: the last incidentit was in this high school statenisland.looks like the agent ofsecurity cannot controlthe student. in the conferencevirtual and which we attend,although he recognized that there is adangerous trend ofviolence, the mayor of blasiowarned that it is not due to ashortage of hundreds of agentssecurity lost byretirements or lack ofvaccination, like the greatemployee union.the mayor confirmed that 92%of the security agentshave been vaccinated and there is nostaff shortageannounced new measuresincrease in revisions noannounced from metalsthey will displace cops fromneighborhoods.series ofcops near areasdanger.Chancellor Porter said thatwe are living a period ofadjustment, that from now ongo ahead, whatever he doeseducation department behand in hand with the police ofsome of his classmates mustbring weapons to the campusesbecause it’s the only way toprotect yourself.With loaded guns like thisfound in this school ofbronx, where we talk tostudents.>> around here it’s kind of hot,kids don’t sleepthey come out with their knife andwith his gun.>> the young people who are outsidesuffers a lot of pressure, mysuggestion is to pray for the

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