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What is the main objective of the We Are Puerto Rico meeting in which New York politicians participate | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

warning from a person.Adriana: thank you.local leaders of the greatapple and state of newYork arrive on the island ofI love with the goal ofreach agreements.Alejandro: Adriana, this is oneof the hotels that is beingvenue of this conference,“We are Puerto Rico.”there are hundreds of people whothey are establishing relationships,because here they will begathering the most poeticimportant both of the cityfrom new york, like from the statefrom New York.let’s see other poeticswho were there.>> to affirm ourcommitment to ensure thecommunity engagementlatina.>> is the first opportunity inperson, to be able to talk abouteverything that has happened insideof our community with thevaccination campaign, withimmigration.reporter: always with the sameobjective.>> affordable housing, workand better education for ourkids.Alejandro: about 1000attendees ask for wingsLatin representation.they say they are committed tothat.>> we are going to have a newSecretary of State Robertorodíguez.reporter: the president-electfrom brooklyn county tooIt is here in San Juan.>> we have to talk about whatis happening in thecommunities.>> access to servicesedicts is very limited inour Latino community.Alejandro: this year’s themeit is recovery. both inNew York like here on the islandfrom Puerto Rico many politiciansthey were doing work

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