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What is the main element of the sun?

What is the main element in the sun? God Almighty excelled in creating this universe with all its space systems both creating the sun and the moon and the sun was a unique world where a lot of information and facts many scientists are still searching till today to understand this gigantic planet bright and its most important secrets.

What is the primary element in the sun?

The sun is made up of a basic source of gases, the most important of which is the element hydrogen. The sun was known to be the main source of energy and light for all of planet Earth, but the moon also extends its light from it, so it has been the sponsor planet that makes a large number of students want to know all the basic information that needs to be known. In terms of chemical composition, three quarters is hydrogen and the remaining quarter is made up of the element helium, which is present in a small percentage of about 1.69%, it also consists of a smaller number of oxygen, carbon, iron , neon and any other element.

the size of the planet sun

The researcher who delves into this formation and the divine creativity in the creation of this star discovers that the sun is the central basis for the rest of the elements of the solar system, and also constitutes the most important star in the Milky Way galaxy, which is a large and vast composed of about 200 billion stars, with a diameter equivalent to 1392684 kilometers, and is Arqaak is very large compared to any other star, so it represents the sun as if it were the incubating mother for the rest of the planets and other stars in the same path of the Milky Way, and with respect to the area of ​​this planet, we find it clearly multiplied by the diameter of the Earth.

The chemical composition of the planet sun

As for its mass, it is about three hundred and thirty times the mass of the Earth, for it is the center and principal component of all the other planets, for the blessings of God upon us have been many, and He has great judgment in creating the planet of the sun of this composition and this size and also how far it is from planet Earth, because it possesses thermal radiation once approaching planet Earth can burn our planet with everything in it, and for the researcher of the chemical composition in certain proportions that exist in the sun star, we find that it will go into minute detail because they are in weighted percentages.

More details on the planet Sun

All these information and details are not achieved in the end and from the first time but rather the topic needed space travel through the launch of the largest space flights with the most leading astronomers and specialists and most of the ministries of education in most of the Arab countries we are keen to list in the educational curricula the adequate and concise explanations that the minds accept The students to explain more information about this planet, which is of great importance in our world, and it is necessary to know its smallest details to understand the nature of interactions and explain all cosmic phenomena that are mainly related to the movement of the sun, its proximity and distance from planet Earth.

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