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What is the likelihood of contracting coronavirus in an airplane?

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Gradually, the new Chinese coronavirus begins to spread throughout Europe. Russians pass their tickets in order not to become infected with a dangerous disease. Everyone can be at risk, and even those who just arrived at the airport to meet friends or relatives, because passengers flying in transit through Moscow can also be infected. “Rambler” found out how likely it is that you will become infected with a coronavirus if you fly in the same plane with an infected passenger.

As stated in the WHO, direct contact is considered the case when you are sitting in a radius of two rows from the infected. However, this assessment did not take into account the fact that people move on an airplane during a flight.-

According to airline estimates, 72% of passengers leave their seat at least once per flight. At the same time, those who sit by the window, get up much less often than those who got a place in the aisle. The former have 12 contacts per flight, the latter – 64.

However, the number of contacts does not greatly affect the likelihood of becoming infected, since their duration is too short to infect another person. At risk will be the immediate neighbors of the infected and those who are sitting in a radius of two rows.

The greatest risk of infection is present if there is a flight attendant in the cabin with a coronavirus diseased. In this case, it can infect 4 to 5 passengers due to direct contact with drinks and food.

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