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What is the leaf of the pata de vaca tree for and how to use it to regulate blood sugar

the tree cow leg -also called <a href="https://www.world-today-news.com/cows-hoof-tea-the-best-natural-remedy-to-regulate-blood-glucose-and-control-diabetes-health-the-magazine/” title=”Cow's hoof tea: The best natural remedy to regulate blood glucose and control diabetes | Health | The Magazine”>cow’s hoof or nail– not only recognized for its vibrant white flowers and heart-shaped leaves that resemble hooves. In addition, it is in the crosshairs of natural medicine and pharmaceutical fields for its effects to help control blood sugar levels, eliminate toxins and promote digestion, among other benefits.

Regarding the plant, the Better with Health dissemination site indicates this species whose scientific name is Bauhinia forficata It is native to South America and grows spontaneously in many urban spaces.

In popular medicine, its leaves, flowers and roots are used for their supposed properties. purifying.

This fame gave rise to numerous investigations. From them it was determined, as indicated on the site of the United States National Library of Medicinethat many of the varieties consumed have properties pharmacological. This statement, following the same source, provides promising targets for future research into new bioactive substances and phytotherapy and that provide greater scientific evidence.

What are the effects of cow’s foot

According to data from the Mejor con Salud site and the website of the United States National Library of Medicinepresents these benefits.

Helps control blood sugar levels

Its purifying effect would provide a favorable action to contribute to diabetes treatments.

The pata de vaca plant is detoxifying Photo Shutterstock.

Reduces cholesterol and triglyceride levels

The indication, in this case, is to accompany its consumption with healthy habits.

Fights damage caused by free radicals

An action that protects cells and reduces oxidative stress.

Relaxes blood vessels

Studies in mice indicate that kaempferitrin and kaempferol They would influence the dilation of blood vessels and serve as prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

Helps eliminate toxins and prevents fluid retention.

How to use

The plant extracts are sold in health food stores or herbalists in the form of tea, capsules or tinctures.

  • 1 teaspoon of dried or fresh chopped leaves of this herb.

There is different pharmacological research on the pata de vaca plant Photo Shutterstock.

  • Add the leaves cow hoof to the water.
  • Cover and let rest for five to ten minutes.
  • Strain and wait for it to cool and drink.

You can drink one to two cups of tea a day after main meals.

In the case of the capsules and tincturethe specific doses and indications must be made by a doctor with a naturopathic orientation.

It must be taken into account that chronic consumption or consumption in quantities greater than recommended can cause side effects.

It is also good to emphasize that these suggestions are indicative and do not replace medical treatment. Furthermore, before starting intake or if there are adverse effects, it is important to consult with a health professional.

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