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What is the “lazy virus” and what are the signs we should look for. The disease is spreading in America and Europe

A virus derived from the animal called “Sloth” is spreading through the bites of insects, including flies and mosquitoes, in Europe. A total of 19 people have been reported in the past two months, according to the European Center for Disease Control (ECDC).

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The virus causes fever and muscle pain PHOTO: Archive

An Oropouche virus infection, known as the “Lazy Virus”, is spreading in America and was first discovered in Europe, affecting people in Spain, Italy and Germany.

right living science, in June and July, 19 cases of Oropouche virus infection were found in Europe among travelers returning from Cuba or Brazil, according to the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC). The disease is transmitted to humans by midges, a type of biting fly, as well as by mosquitoes.

The prognosis for recovery is good and fatal outcomes are rare.”the Group sent.

Oropouche virus can cause Zika-like symptoms, including sudden fever, muscle aches, sensitivity to light, eye pain, vomiting and rash.

In about 4% of cases, the virus can infect the nervous system, causing inflammation around the spinal cord and brain or even inside the brain. However, most people recover within a few days to a month.

It affects pregnant women

Recently, Brazil has reported several cases that investigators suspected of being passed from mother to fetus during pregnancy. these infections have been inconclusively associated with poor outcomes, including birth defects and microcephaly, which causes the baby’s head to be much smaller than average.

However, due to data limitations, the link between adverse pregnancy outcomes and Oropouche virus has not yet been proven.

Oropouche virus was first discovered in 1955 in Trinidad and Tobago and has since caused epidemics in several countries in South America, Central America and the Caribbean.

So far this year, outbreaks have been reported in Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia and Peru, and Cuba has reported its first known cases.

Direct transmission of the virus from person to person has never been documented.

Instead, people usually get sick from a species of mosquito called Culicoides paraensis. In addition, a handful of mosquito species can carry and spread the virus to humans

While the risks of contracting the Oropouche virus during pregnancy are still unclear, the Zika virus – which has clear risks if contracted during pregnancy – spreading in the same areas.

2024-08-18 02:00:25
#lazy #virus #signs #disease #spreading #America #Europe

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