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What is the HPV Vaccine for? These are the Uses and Terms of the Recipient


What is the HPV vaccine for? Recently, the government officially added three types of vaccines to the complete routine immunization program, namely PCV, HPV, and rotavirus. The addition of this type of vaccine is useful for reducing maternal and child mortality in Indonesia.

Regarding the addition of the vaccine, the Indonesian Minister of Health, Budi Gunadi Sadikin observed that there were two major problems in Indonesia related to maternal and child mortality. Maternal mortality in Indonesia is mostly caused by cancer, namely cervical and breast cancer.

While most child deaths are caused by infection and the highest are diarrhea and pneumonia.

“We check that there is a vaccine for the mother, a cervical cancer vaccine, (a vaccine) for breast cancer. Furthermore, to prevent pneumonia in children by using PCV and diarrhea vaccines, there is a rotavirus vaccine,” he said at a press conference at the World Immunization Week at the Ministry of Health building, Jakarta, Friday (22/4).

Talking about the addition of vaccines in Indonesia, then what is the HPV vaccine for? Check out the following information.

What is the HPV Vaccine for?

The HPV vaccine will become a mandatory vaccine in Indonesia as an effort to prevent cervical cancer from an early age. The reason is, the prevalence of cervical cancer in Indonesia is still quite high, even being the second most common type of cancer suffered by women after breast cancer.

“We will increase our mandatory vaccine from 11 antigens to 14, we will add vaccines (human papillomavirus) HPV, PCV and rotavirus, especially because most Indonesian women die from cancer, cervical and breast cancer, there is a vaccine for the cervix,” said the Indonesian Minister of Health. , Budi Gunadi Sadikin, in the American & European Region Indonesian Health Diaspora Meeting, Sunday (18/4/2022).

What is the HPV Vaccine for? These are the side effects

Quoted from the CDC page, just like other vaccines, the HPV vaccine has a number of side effects but tends to be mild, such as:

  • Pain or swelling at the injection site
  • Fever
  • Dizzy
  • Nauseous
  • Headache
  • Muscle ache

What is the HPV Vaccine for? Here’s the Financing Scheme

Regarding financing, the Minister of Health ensures that it will be free for certain age groups. In more detail, the Acting Director of Immunization Management at the Ministry of Health, Prima Yosephine, explained that the vaccination target was for 5th grade elementary school students for the first dose and 6 elementary school students for the second dose.

“For the HPV vaccine that we provide through the national immunization program, it is free because it is the responsibility of the government,” said Prima when contacted by detikcom.

What is the HPV Vaccine for? Here are the conditions

Obstetrics and Gynecology Specialist from Pondok Indah Hospital (RSPI) Dr. Grace Valentine, SpOG explained that the HPV vaccine can be given to young women aged 10 years to adults aged 45 years.

In addition, Dr. Grace said, the HPV vaccine is best given to girls who are not sexually active because HPV is transmitted through sexual activity.

“The best, the best timing is a girl, or the child is not yet sexually active because most of the transmission (HPV) is from sexual intercourse,” she said in an online discussion entitled ‘Women’s Talk Stronger Together Against Cancer’, Thursday (21/4/ 2022).

According to Dr. Grace, there is a difference in the dose of the HPV vaccine in the age range of 10-13 years and 13 years and over. In children aged 10-13 years, the HPV vaccine is only given two doses or twice, namely at month zero and month six. Meanwhile, in women aged 13 years and over, the HPV vaccine was given three doses or three times at month zero, month one or two, then month six.

“Usually this cervical cancer vaccine can be given to girls to women, at the age of 10 to 45 years. The dose is needed if young teenagers aged 10-13 years only need two doses. So in month 0 and month six, “explained Dr. Grace.

“However, if you are 13 years of age and over, it is recommended that you give three doses for month 0, the first or second month, and the sixth month. Three injections,” he continued.

What is the HPV Vaccine For? This is the target area for injection

The Director General of Disease Prevention and Control (Dirjen P2P) of the Ministry of Health, Maxi Rein Rondonuwu, stated that the HPV vaccine would be implemented first in 8 priority provinces.

“The 8 provinces that will be prioritized consist of 3 in Java, 1 Bali and 4 Sulawesi,” he explained at a press conference for the 2022 Basic Immunization Week at the Ministry of Health, Friday (22/04/2022).

According to him, the Ministry of Health will prioritize areas with high cases first.

“Because we don’t introduce it once, we have just started for 8 provinces with high case numbers,” he continued.

Watch Videos “Listen! Ministry of Health’s explanation about the Free Cervical Cancer Vaccine Program
[Gambas:Video 20detik]

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